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Curriculum Writing


Wrote or co-wrote curriculum for the following:


  • PK-5 Early Childhood Education & K-12 Intervention Specialist Licensure Program, Capital University, Fall 2018-Present. 

Co-lead the redesign and curriculum development of the new licensure program for Early Childhood Educators, Intervention Specialists, and dual Early Childhood and Intervention students. The program aligns with the new licensure bands put forth by the Ohio Department of Education and incorporates new courses in line with the most current research in literacy, early childhood education, and special education. 


  • Reading Endorsement Program, Capital University, Fall 2011-Spring 2014.

Oversaw the development of the Reading Endorsement Program curriculum, developing course sequencing to correspond with Ohio Reading Endorsement requirements and research-based best practices. Utilized the SCOPE program evaluation tool based off of Elliot Eisner’s Ecology of Schooling to evaluate successful programs offered at other institutions and to develop the curriculum for the Capital University program. 


  • Instruction & Assessment (EDF 664), University of Northern Colorado

This graduate-level, online course is designed to examine philosophical and practical approaches to various instructional and assessment practices Students evaluate the relationships and purposes of various assessments, examine the intersection of theory and practice in relation to instruction and assessment, and synthesize these ideas in creation of their own philosophy of assessment and instruction. 


  • Writing: Theory and Practice Online (EDU 310), Capital University.

This course is designed for K-12 teacher education students to learn how to teach the writing process in their future classrooms. Through the study of current theories of the writing process and their application to teaching writing in diverse contexts to diverse student learners, students examine composing, reflecting on, editing/revising, and assessing various genres of writing for the purpose of teaching them in their own future classrooms. 


  • Content Reading and Genres (EDU 502), Capital University.

The purpose of this course is to first examine the reading process and to explore the research and practice of implementing curriculum and instructional strategies to improve reading, thinking, and understanding in the content areas from elementary to high school. Along with building a foundational understanding of the essential elements of reading, student will learn how to implement reading strategies in content area lessons, how to develop a socialized, literate classroom culture, as well as how to identify and fix reading miscues.  


  • Research Methods I (EDU 510), Capital University, Co-written.

This is an introductory course that introduces graduate students to various purposes, means, and practices associated with educational and social inquiry while providing them with a basic understanding of the dominant qualitative and quantitative methodologies.  The course is intended for graduate students who are interested in consuming and engaging in educational inquiry, and its aim is to help students understand the language of and conceptualize research in the social sciences. In the two-course sequence students will explore generally accepted procedures for generating, analyzing, and interpreting data and will also develop the capacity to engage in dialogue about research using appropriate conceptualizations and vocabulary.  


  • Research Methods II (EDU 520), Capital University, Co-written.

EDUC 520 is the second semester in a two-semester sequence on critical qualitative research.  Critical qualitative research is distinguished from other types of qualitative research through its epistemological and data-analytic theories.  However, critical qualitative research is not incompatible with other forms of qualitative research.  Rather, all of the methods taught in the full spectrum of qualitative research traditions and most of the concepts used by qualitative researchers who self-identify with diverse research communities can, are and often should be used within the framework of critical theory as it was taught in EDUC 510.


  • Educational Change (EDU 532), Capital University.

This course focuses on the praxis of theory and practice in curriculum studies. More specifically, in this course students explore where curriculum theories become manifest in actual learning environments when the intended curriculum is operationalized. As is the case, students have the opportunity to evaluate an implemented curriculum in an authentic setting. Further, students extend their knowledge on curriculum implementation in studying the factors that are involved in the process. 


  • Teaching: Best Practices (EDU 534), Capital University, Co-written.

Students in this course analyze and synthesize best practices in curriculum and instruction as defined and described by a variety of scholars. In the process, students examine the multiple facets of the teaching and learning process that include pedagogical approaches, culturally responsive pedagogy/equity pedagogy, student engagement, classroom environments, curricular approaches, and assessments. Students explore a wide array of literature from a variety of perspectives in challenging their own assumptions of what comprises best practices. Students apply best practice principles to an analysis of a selected aspect of their own teaching, with the goal of advancing student academic achievement. The goal of this course is not only to be able to critically analyze a teaching and learning environment, but also to be intentional and reflective in one’s own practice. 


  • Teacher Education Program, Capital University, Fall 2011-Spring 2014.

As a member of the Education Department Curriculum Committee, collaborated with colleagues on the committee and within the department as a whole to re-envision the Teacher Education Program curriculum, including curriculum in Early Childhood Education, Middle Childhood Education, Adolescent to Young Adult (Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Math), and K-12 licensure (Intervention Specialist, Art, Music, Health/Physical Education). Developed five new department goals and utilized the backward design model and Bloom’s taxonomy to re-envision courses and develop student outcomes/assessments at the 100, 200, 300, and 400 level connected to each goal. 


  • Introduction to Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (EDU 201), Capital University.

This course serves as an introduction to curriculum development (lesson, unit, and year planning), pedagogical approaches to teaching, assessment design, and reflective practice in order to prepare the students for the pedagogy field experience, student teaching, and in-service teaching. The course materials will focus on the many facets of the planning and teaching experience, which will assist students in understanding the organic nature of teaching and learning.


  • Online Delivery of Introduction to Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (EDU 201), Capital University.

This course was adapted from the face-to-face version of EDU 201 with the field component replaced by four extra weeks of content and video observations of classrooms utilized for analysis. The online portal contains 15 weeks of activities and discussions written specifically for online delivery.


  • Developing as a Professional Online, Capital University.

This course, which is offered in a traditional classroom, has been rewritten to fit the iLearn platform utilized at Capital University. This course focuses on professional development through the use of case studies reflecting the professional skills of collaborating, adapting and differentiating instruction and assessment when working with students with linguistic, cultural and ability differences. Present Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession and federal law requirements will be guides for the applications of these skills, emphasizing the ability to define and defend effective teaching practices as they relate to student learning and achievement.


  • Content Area Reading Hybrid Online/Face-to Face, Capital University.

The purpose of this hybrid course is to review the reading process and reading terminology for future teachers with emphasis on reading as it pertains to the content areas. The course also explores differences between early and advanced cognitive development and how those differences relate to reading.


  • Educational Research and Critical Reflection (EDRS 600), Regis University.

This course, offered in online and face-to-face formats, introduces fundamental concepts related to quantitative and qualitative educational research emphasizing teacher generated action research. Covers evaluation and engagement in educational research. Critical reflection as action research will be explored as well.


  • Curriculum Foundations (EDCI 600), Regis University, Co-written.

This course, offered in online and face-to-face formats, is designed to provide foundational knowledge in the field of curriculum. Students examine some of the major philosophies on curriculum while concurrently exploring the constructs of knowledge from which many of these philosophies derive. The course also prepares students for completion of their capstone project.


  • Culturally Responsive Pedagogy (EDCI 602), Regis University, Co-written.

This course, offered in online and face-to-face formats, examines the intricacies of individualized teaching strategies that place students’ culture at the heart of teaching. Students will examine how such an emphasis can lead to valuable learning experiences for all learners.


  • Curriculum Implementation and Evaluation (EDCI 604), Regis University.

This course, offered in online and face-to-face formats, focuses on the praxis of theory and practice in curriculum studies. Students develop, implement, and evaluate a curriculum in an authentic setting, examine the three dominant forms of curriculum implementation, analyze the elements of successful and unsuccessful curriculum implementations, and explore the essential elements and stakeholders of effective curriculum implementations. 


  • Assessment and Instruction (EDF 664), University of Northern Colorado.

This course, offered online, is a course designed to examine current issues in instructional and assessment practices, from social and historical and political perspectives; focus on the research literature on instruction and assessment practices.

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