McConnell, C., Conrad, B., Uhrmacher, P. B. (2020). Lesson Planning with Purpose: Five Approaches to Curriculum Design. Teachers College Press.
Uhrmacher, P. B., McConnell Moroye, C. M. and Flinders, D. J. (2017). Using Educational Connoisseurship and Criticism for Qualitative Inquiry. Routledge.
Book Chapters
McConnell, C. and Uhrmacher, P. B. (in press). Eco-aesthetic experiences: A Deweyan framework for ecological aims in schools. In P. L. Maarhuis & A. G. Rud (Eds.), Imagining Dewey: Artful works and dialogue about Art as Experience. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill-Sense. Expected Summer 2020.
Uhrmacher, P. B. & Moroye, C. M. (2014). Experience, heightened vitality, and aesthetic engagement, or why is stick man smiling. In Donna Adair Breault and Rick Breault (Eds.), Experiencing Dewey: Insights for today’s classroom (2nd ed.) (62-65). New York, NY: Routledge.
Moroye, C. M. (2010). Ecologically Minded Teaching: Authenticity and Care. In P. B. Uhrmacher & K. Bunn (Ed.), Beyond the One Room School. Sense Publishers.
Uhrmacher, P. B. and Moroye, C. M. (2008). Finding our Niche: Accountability in Higher Education. in J.J. Slater, D. M. Callejo, and S. M. Fain (Eds.), The War Against the Professions: The Impact of Politics and Economics on the Idea of the University (pp. 108-125). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
McConnell, C., Conrad, B., Uhrmacher, P. B. (2020). Lesson Planning with Purpose: Five Approaches to Curriculum Design. Teachers College Press.
Uhrmacher, P. B., McConnell Moroye, C. M. and Flinders, D. J. (2017). Using Educational Connoisseurship and Criticism for Qualitative Inquiry. Routledge.
Book Chapters
McConnell, C. and Uhrmacher, P. B. (in press). Eco-aesthetic experiences: A Deweyan framework for ecological aims in schools. In P. L. Maarhuis & A. G. Rud (Eds.), Imagining Dewey: Artful works and dialogue about Art as Experience. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill-Sense. Expected Summer 2020.
Uhrmacher, P. B. & Moroye, C. M. (2014). Experience, heightened vitality, and aesthetic engagement, or why is stick man smiling. In Donna Adair Breault and Rick Breault (Eds.), Experiencing Dewey: Insights for today’s classroom (2nd ed.) (62-65). New York, NY: Routledge.
Moroye, C. M. (2010). Ecologically Minded Teaching: Authenticity and Care. In P. B. Uhrmacher & K. Bunn (Ed.), Beyond the One Room School. Sense Publishers.
Uhrmacher, P. B. and Moroye, C. M. (2008). Finding our Niche: Accountability in Higher Education. in J.J. Slater, D. M. Callejo, and S. M. Fain (Eds.), The War Against the Professions: The Impact of Politics and Economics on the Idea of the University (pp. 108-125). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
McConnell, C., Conrad, B., Uhrmacher, P. B. (2020). Lesson Planning with Purpose: Five Approaches to Curriculum Design. Teachers College Press.
Conrad, B. & DoBroka, C. (Eds.) (2020). Tales from the classroom: How educational reform really affects our schools (in progress).
McConnell, C., Conrad, B., & Uhrmacher, P. B. (2020). Lesson planning with purpose: Five approaches to curriculum design. New York: Teachers College Press (in press).
Conrad, B. & Shalter-Bruening, P. (2020). Reconceptualization of effective teacher dispositions from a culturally responsive and an educational psychology perspective. (Manuscript submitted for review).
Conrad, B. & Shalter-Bruening, P. (2020). The teacher disposition protocol and its potential for change in the educational enterprise (Manuscript submitted for review).
Conrad, B. (2019). Curriculum Consonance. In Encyclopedia of Education. New York: Routledge. (In press)
Conrad, B. (2019). Constructivism. In Encyclopedia of Education. New York: Routledge. (In press)
Conrad, B. (2019). Preparing teachers for deeper learning by Linda Darling-Hammond & Jeannie Oakes. Teachers College Record, ID Number: 22883.
Uhrmacher, P. B., Moroye-McConnell, C. & Conrad, B. (2019). Forward. In K. Baxter (Ed.), Nurturing art educators: A planbook/sketchbook for vibrant art education lesson plans. New York: Teachers College Press.
Conrad, B. (2018). Forward. In S. Harris (Ed.), Effective Teaching: Educators Perspective of Meaning Making in Higher Education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Conrad, B. (2018). Reel education: Documentaries, biopics, and reality television by Jacqueline Bach. Curriculum & Teaching Dialogue, 20(1&2), 167-170.
Uhrmacher, P. B., Moroye, C., Conrad, B. (2015). Aesthetic, spiritual, and flow experiences: Contrasts and educational implications. Education and Culture 32(1), 131-151.
Conrad, B., Uhrmacher, P. B., Moroye, C. (2015). Curriculum disruption: A vision for new practices in teaching and learning. Journal of Scholastic Inquiry: Education, 18(3), 1-20.
Conrad, B., & DoBroka, C. (2015). National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), Accreditation Report for Capital University’s Integrated Language Arts Program. Online publication: Nationally Accredited.
Creasap, S. & Conrad, B. (2014). The use of dispositional assessment in teacher preparation programs as a means of preparing ethically responsible teachers. Journal of Scholastic Inquiry: Education, 2(1), 15-33.
Uhrmacher, P. B., Conrad, B., & Moroye, C. (2013). Finding the balance between process and product in lesson planning: The perceptual lesson planning model. Teachers College Record, 115(7), 1-27.
Conrad, B. (2012). Intentions and beliefs: Why they matter and a conceptual framework for understanding them in culturally responsive teachers. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, 14(1), 85-97.
Uhrmacher, P. B. & Conrad, B. (2011). Cultural currents, International Journal for Leadership in Education, 14(1), 119-125.
Uhrmacher, P. B. & Conrad, B. (2010). Cultural currents, International Journal for Leadership in Education, 13(3), 349-356.
Uhrmacher, P. B., Conrad, B., & Lindquist, C. (2010). The power to transform: implementation as aesthetic awakening. In T. Costantino & B. White (Eds.), Essays on Aesthetic Education for the 21st Century. Boston: Sense.
Blog Publications
Watson, K. & Conrad, B. (2019, Nov 13). Tale teller’s spotlight: Marty Glick. (Blog Post). Retrieved from
Conrad, B. (2019, May 8). Tale teller’s spotlight: Kristen Baxter. (Blog Post). Retrieved from
Conrad, B. (2018, October 12). The shocking truth about educational policy making: Making the sausage. (Blog Post). Retrieved from
Conrad, B. (2018, September 13) The aim of schools: What you should demand of our schools. (Blog Post). Retrieved from
Conrad, B. (2018, June 12). Our silent crisis: The childhood mental illness epidemic. (Blog Post). Retrieved from
Conrad, B. (2018, April 4). What the oklahoma, kentucky, west virginia, and arizona teachers are fighting for. (Blog Post). Retrieved from
Conrad, B. (2018, February 14). A new vision for measuring school quality: Part 3. (Blog Post). Retrieved from
Conrad, B. (2018, February 1). A new vision for measuring school quality: Part 2. (Blog Post). Retrieved from
Conrad, B. (2018, January 17). A new vision for measuring school quality: Part 1. (Blog Post). Retrieved from
Conrad, B. (2017, December 15). What makes a good teacher? Eight things you should look for in your child’s teacher. (Blog Post). Retrieved from
Conrad, B. (2017, December 7). I quit! Inside the teacher shortage crisis. (Blog Post). Retrieved from
Conrad, B. (2017, November 15). Behind the state “report cards” on schools. (Blog Post). Retrieved from“Report-Cards”-on-Schools
Conrad, B. (2017, November 2). What standardized tests do and don’t tell you part 3: How they affect principals and how we can do better. (Blog Post). Retrieved from
Conrad, B. (2017, October 27). What standardized tests do and don’t tell you part 3: How they affect teachers. (Blog Post). Retrieved from’t-Tell-You-Part-3-How-they-Affect-Teachers
Conrad, B. (2017, October 18). What standardized tests do and don’t tell you part 2: How they affect students. (Blog Post). Retrieved from’t-Tell-You-Part-2-How-they-Affect-Students
Conrad, B. (2017, October 11). What standardized tests do and don’t tell you. (Blog Post). Retrieved from’t-Tell-You
Conrad, B. (2017, September 27). What every parent should look for in their child’s education. (Blog Post). Retrieved from
Conrad, B. (2017, September 21). Introducing an education blog like you’ve never seen before and every parent needs to read! (Blog post). Retrieved from’ve-Never-Seen-Before-and-Every-Parent-Needs-to-Read