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Bradley M. Conrad





  • Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction with emphases in curriculum, culturally responsive pedagogy, and educational policy.  

       University of Denver, Denver, CO.  2011. 

       Passed Comprehensive Examination with Honors

       Dissertation Topic:  Intentions, Beliefs, Operations, & Dispositions of Culturally         Responsive Teachers

       Advisors: Dr. P. Bruce Uhrmacher and Dr. Maria Salazar


  • M.A. Curriculum and Instruction with emphases in teaching and technology.

       University of Denver, Denver, CO, 2004.

       Advisor: Dr. Richard Biffle  


  • B.S. Journalism.

       Ohio University, Athens, OH, 1998.  


Teaching and Curriculum Development Experience


  • Capital University, School of Education

Associate Professor, Fall 2011-Present

Teach three to four undergraduate courses each semester while annually supervising student teachers placed in local schools. Also serve as a course advisor to several education students in the college of education as well as students who have yet to declare a major. 


Courses Taught: 

Student Teaching Seminar – Developing as a Professional IV, Spring 2012, Fall 2015-Present

This course provides teacher education candidates with an ongoing awareness, exploration, development, and refinement of the knowledge, dispositions, and skills expected of entry-year teachers in Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession, Ohio Teacher Evaluation System, edTPA, the requirements and procedures for receiving a teaching license, and successful interviewing. Education 401 prepares teacher education candidates to understand and apply principles and practices to achieve high student achievement, effectual curriculum writing, positive expectations, effective classroom management, differentiated instruction, and continuous development as a professional.


Introduction to Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment – Developing as a Professional II, Fall 2014-Present

This course serves as an introduction to curriculum development (lesson, unit, and year planning), pedagogical approaches to teaching, assessment design, developing a classroom environment, and reflective practice in order to prepare the students for the pedagogy field experience, student teaching, and in-service teaching. The course materials will focus on the many facets of the planning and teaching experience, which will assist students in understanding the organic nature of teaching and learning.


Pedagogy for MCE/AYA Language Arts, Fall 2011, Fall 2013, Fall 2014

This course is designed to prepare middle childhood education and adolescent to young adult teacher education candidates to write curriculum for and teach language arts to adolescents and young adults in grades 4 – 12.  The course prepares candidates to plan and implement curriculum in reading, writing, listening/visual literacy, and oral communications using appropriate instructional methods, learning activities, and materials based on the Common Core Standards for English Language Arts. 


Content Area Reading, Fall 2011-Present

The purpose of this course is to review the reading process and reading terminology for future teachers with emphasis on reading as it pertains to the content areas. Students learn to write content area curriculum with a focus on developing students’ literacy skills. The course also explores differences between early and advanced cognitive development and how those differences relate to reading.


Developing as a Professional III, Fall 2011-Spring 2016

This course is designed to increase awareness of the professional facets of teaching, with a concentration on classroom management, diversity, professional development, and technology awareness. Within the course, students prepare for the PRAXIS PLT exam, develop a professional teaching resume, create a philosophy of education, and learn how to observe an educational setting through a theoretical lens. 


Inquiry: Theory into Practice, Spring 2012, Spring 2015-Spring 2016

This course coincides with EDUC 401 and Student Teaching. Emphasis is placed upon the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession.  Students identify their strengths as an individual, and how those strengths can be utilized in the classroom.  A final review of key elements of the teaching profession will occur and students will develop and implement curriculum to be used in their student teaching placement.


Nature, Needs, and Development of Early Adolescent to Young Adult Students, Spring 2012

Themes for this course are the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of young to late adolescents. Students have an interactive field experience and conduct action research. While in the field, students reflect on the Praxis Domains: students, classroom environment, instruction, and professional development.


Teaching: Best Practices (Master’s Level), Summer 2018-Present

Students in this course analyze and synthesize best practices in teaching as defined and described by a variety of researchers. In the process, students examine the multiple facets of the teaching and learning process that include pedagogical approaches, culturally responsive pedagogy/equity pedagogy, student engagement, classroom environments, curricular approaches, and assessments. Students explore a wide array of literature from a variety of perspectives in challenging their own assumptions of what comprises best practices. Students apply best practice principles to an analysis of a selected aspect of their own teaching, with the goal of advancing student academic achievement. The goal of this course is not only to be able to critically analyze a teaching and learning environment, but also to be intentional and reflective in one’s own practice. 


Student Teacher Supervision, Fall 2011-Present

In conjunction with student teaching, supervisors observe, instruct, and evaluate three to four student teachers each semester while they are completing their field experience in local K-12 schools. In coordination with the cooperating teachers, supervisors visit students at least six times per semester while being available daily for them to confer with and/or ask questions. Supervisors assist student teachers in curriculum writing/implementation, assessment creation/analysis, and classroom management. Data is collected for licensure purposes and aggregated in the School of Education’s data collection system. 


Guest Lecturer, Spring 2011, Spring 2014; Instructor, Spring 2020

Writing: Theory into Practice (EDU 310): Rhetorical Analysis and Linguistics.

Students in this course study current theories of the writing process and their application to teaching writing in diverse contexts to diverse student learners. Emphasis on studying, composing, reflecting on, and assessing various genres. Experience with standards-based writing instruction and assessment, influence of language on writing, and multimodal composition. Students are prepared to teach and assess writing with diverse student populations in a K-12 setting. 


Curriculum Writing:

  • Teacher Education Department Curriculum (All licensure areas):

    • Created several new courses and revised others in collaboration with the Department Curriculum Committee and the Teacher Education Department.


  • Master’s Degree in Teaching Courses: 

    • Wrote EDU 534 Teaching: Best Practices, EDU 510 Research Methods I, and EDU 520 Research Methods II. Co-wrote EDU 532 Educational Change. 


  • Undergraduate Education Courses: 

  • Wrote EDU 201 Introduction to Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment, EDU 301 Developing as a Professional III Online, EDU 310 Writing: Theory into Practice Online, EDU 374 Content Area Literacy Online


  • The University of Northern Colorado

Affiliate Faculty, Fall 2019-Present

Write, guest lecture, and teach a course in the PhD program in Curriculum Studies. 


Courses Taught and Written:  

Instruction & Assessment, Fall 2019

Wrote and taught this graduate level course focusing on the historical and philosophical contexts of assessment and instruction; focus on the research and theoretical literature on instruction and assessment while seeking where praxis exists for practicing teachers. 


Introduction to Educational Research, Spring 2016

From idea to publication: How the research process really works.


  • Regis University, Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment Program

Curriculum Writer, Adjunct Professor, Spring 2011-Spring 2016

Served on curriculum writing team that launched an online Master’s degree program in Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment. Wrote the framework for the program as well as the curriculum for three courses within that program. Concurrently, served as an adjunct professor for the courses written.


Courses Taught/Written:

Curriculum Foundations

This course is designed to provide foundational knowledge in the field of curriculum. Students will examine some of the major philosophies on curriculum while concurrently exploring the constructs of knowledge from which many of these philosophies derive. The course also prepares students for completion of their Curriculum Instruction and Assessment MA Program capstone project. 


Culturally Responsive Pedagogy

This course examines the intricacies of individualized teaching strategies that place students’ culture at the heart of teaching. Students will examine how such an emphasis can lead to valuable learning experiences for all learners, the closing of the achievement gap, and more equitable, inclusive schools.


Curriculum Implementation and Evaluation

This course focuses on the praxis of theory and practice in curriculum studies. More specifically, in this course students explore where curriculum theories become manifest in actual learning environments when the intended curriculum is operationalized. As is the case, students evaluate an implemented curriculum in an authentic setting. Further, they extend their knowledge on curriculum implementation in studying the factors that are involved in the process. 


  • The University of Denver, Teacher Education Program

Adjunct Faculty, Fall 2008-Spring 2011

Served as a guest lecturer and course instructor in several classes. 


Courses Taught:  

Introduction to Secondary Methods, Fall 2009 and Fall 2010. 

Instruction of a graduate level introductory secondary methods course that provides a general overview to principles of effective secondary instruction and assessment. Student are introduced to theories and practices of curriculum writing, assessment, pedagogy, and developing a classroom environment.


Secondary Environments, Fall 2008. 

Teamed instruction of a graduate level introductory secondary methods course that examines all elements of a secondary school environment. 


Guest Lecturer: 

Perspectives on American Education (TEP 3016): Developing an effective moral dilemma case study, Spring 2008


Secondary Student Teaching Seminar (TEP 3790): Balancing life and work as a secondary school teacher, Winter 2008


Secondary Literacy (TEP 3590): Effective Literacy Strategies for Secondary Students, Fall 2007


  • The University of Denver, Department of Curriculum & Instruction

Adjunct Faculty, Winter 2010.


Courses Taught:  

Creativity in the Curriculum, Winter 2010. 

Graduate level course that examines varying definitions of creativity while exploring the role of creativity in contemporary education curriculum. 


  • Overland High School, Cherry Creek School District, Aurora, CO.

Department Coordinator, Instructional Coach, District New Teacher Mentor, Curriculum Writer, English Teacher, Fall 2005-Spring 2011

Coordinated the English department at the most linguistically, ethnically, and racially diverse school in the state of Colorado. While overseeing the department of 23, developed curriculum for grades 9-11, served as head of instruction for the department, created master schedule, managed day-to-day activities, among other tasks. Served as a mentor to new teachers in the district and was an instructional coach within the building. 


Courses Taught: Educational Narratives, Advanced Placement Language and Composition, world literature, 9th and 10th grade language arts, Reading and Studying for Success


Committees: 10th grade curriculum writing team lead, district writing cadre representative, district reading cadre representative, department hiring committee member.


  • Carolina Achievement Center, Raleigh, NC.

English and Social Studies Teacher, Summer 2002-Winter 2002


Courses Taught: Literature and literacy for grades 2-8 with behavior and emotional disorders and social studies for grades 2-8 with behavior and emotional disorders


  • Ranum High School, Adams 50 School District, Westminster, CO.

English Teacher, Fall 2001-Spring 2002


Courses Taught: World literature, 9th grade english, yearbook advisor, and newspaper advisor

Committees: Public relations committee and 9/11 disaster relief committee





Traditional Publications:


  • Conrad, B. & DoBroka, C. (Eds.) (2020). Tales from the classroom: How educational reform really affects our schools (in progress).


  • McConnell, C., Conrad, B., & Uhrmacher, P. B. (2020). Lesson planning with purpose: Five approaches to curriculum design. New York: Teachers College Press (in press). 


  • Conrad, B. & Shalter-Bruening, P. (2020). Reconceptualization of effective teacher dispositions from a culturally responsive and an educational psychology perspective. (Manuscript submitted for review).


  • Conrad, B. & Shalter-Bruening, P. (2020). The teacher disposition protocol and its potential for change in the educational enterprise (Manuscript submitted for review).


  • Conrad, B. (2019). Curriculum Consonance. In Encyclopedia of Education. New York: Routledge. (In press)


  • Conrad, B. (2019). Constructivism. In Encyclopedia of Education. New York: Routledge. (In press)


  • Conrad, B. (2019). Preparing teachers for deeper learning by Linda Darling-Hammond & Jeannie Oakes. Teachers College Record, ID Number: 22883. 


  • Uhrmacher, P. B., Moroye-McConnell, C. & Conrad, B. (2019). Forward. In K. Baxter (Ed.), Nurturing art educators: A planbook/sketchbook for vibrant art education lesson plans. New York: Teachers College Press.


  • Conrad, B. (2018). Forward. In S. Harris (Ed.), Effective Teaching: Educators Perspective of Meaning Making in Higher Education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. 


  • Conrad, B. (2018). Reel education: Documentaries, biopics, and reality television by Jacqueline Bach. Curriculum & Teaching Dialogue, 20(1&2), 167-170.


  • Uhrmacher, P. B., Moroye, C., Conrad, B. (2015). Aesthetic, spiritual, and flow experiences: Contrasts and educational implications. Education and Culture 32(1), 131-151.


  • Conrad, B., Uhrmacher, P. B., Moroye, C. (2015). Curriculum disruption: A vision for new practices in teaching and learning. Journal of Scholastic Inquiry: Education, 18(3), 1-20.


  • Conrad, B., & DoBroka, C. (2015). National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), Accreditation Report for Capital University’s Integrated Language Arts Program. Online publication: Nationally Accredited.


  • Creasap, S. & Conrad, B. (2014). The use of dispositional assessment in teacher preparation programs as a means of preparing ethically responsible teachers. Journal of Scholastic Inquiry: Education, 2(1), 15-33.


  • Uhrmacher, P. B., Conrad, B., & Moroye, C. (2013). Finding the balance between process and product in lesson planning: The perceptual lesson planning model. Teachers College Record, 115(7), 1-27.


  • Conrad, B. (2012). Intentions and beliefs: Why they matter and a conceptual framework for understanding them in culturally responsive teachers. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, 14(1), 85-97.


  • Uhrmacher, P. B. & Conrad, B. (2011). Cultural currents, International Journal for Leadership in Education, 14(1), 119-125.


  • Uhrmacher, P. B. & Conrad, B. (2010). Cultural currents, International Journal for Leadership in Education, 13(3), 349-356.


  • Uhrmacher, P. B., Conrad, B., & Lindquist, C. (2010). The power to transform: implementation as aesthetic awakening. In T. Costantino & B. White (Eds.), Essays on Aesthetic Education for the 21st Century. Boston: Sense.


Blog Publications




















Invited Publications



Additional National Projects

  • Tales from the Classroom Project – Leading a team of 14 researchers across the US to examine elementary, middle, and high schools in rural, suburban, and urban areas to evaluate how standardization of curriculum and accountability are affecting students, teachers, and administrators. The project includes: (1) a forthcoming edited volume written to a general audience but utilizing traditional quantitative and qualitative research methods; (2) a peer-reviewed blog (with an editorial advisory board comprised of 14 scholars); (3) a research rendering team (research made easily digestible to practicing K-12 educators) and; (4) a social media presence on seven platforms, a series of ongoing articles, and a website ( 


  • Elliot Eisner Special Interest Group (American Educational Research Association) – Serve as a founding member, former secretary, and program chair of a special interest group (SIG) dedicated to the ideas and work of Elliot Eisner within AERA. This SIG for operates as a subsidiary of AERA, soliciting and accepting proposals for AERA’s annual meeting each year. The group holds annual business meetings and hosts presentations in three different formats at each AERA annual meeting, including papers, roundtables, and posters. 


Additional Research

  • Dispositions of Effective Teachers (Perceptual Teaching)/ Capital University

Researcher, August 2011-Present

Building on the qualitative study of the dispositions of culturally responsive teachers in Colorado, I am in the stages of examining those dispositions in pre-service teachers in Ohio. Currently this tool is being field tested while reliability and validity testing is underway. This tool has been distributed to the University of Cincinnati and James Madison University for potential use in field testing.  After initial field test at Capital University, we have revised the tool and will distribute again in the fall of 2019 and spring of 2020 to test for validity and reliability. 



Presentations at Professional Meetings



  • Plan with Purpose: Four Models of Curriculum Design, Ideas & Issues presentation at American Association for Teaching and Curriculum (AATC), Birmingham, AL, Fall 2019.

  • The Between Curriculum, Paper presentation at American Association for Teaching and Curriculum (AATC), Dallas, TX, Fall 2018.

  • Bringing Scholarly Research to Educators: The Potential for Research Renderings and Social Media to Inform and Improve Education. Ideas & Issues presentation at American Association for Teaching and Curriculum (AATC), Dallas, TX, Fall 2018.

  • The Dispositional Enactment Process, Paper presentation at American Association for Teaching and Curriculum (AATC), Denver, CO, Fall 2017.

  • Mapping the Decline of Public Education. Ideas & Issues presentation at American Association for Teaching and Curriculum (AATC), Denver, CO, Fall 2017.

  • Respect the Past, Reflect the Future: Re-imagining Teacher Education Curriculum at a Liberal Arts Institution, Roundtable presentation at The Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education Annual Conference, Tampa, FL, Spring 2017.

  • Research on Teacher Dispositions and Effective Practices, and How They Apply to Music Education, Presentation at the International Music Teacher Educators Annual Conference, Perry, OH, Spring 2017

  • Seeking a Bridge Between: Tales from the Classroom and How Educational Researchers Can Use Mainstream Media to Influence Policy, Paper presentation at American Association for Teaching and Curriculum (AATC), Portland, ME, Fall 2015.

  • Teacher Disposition Assessment and the Potential for Change in the Educational Enterprise, Paper presentation at American Educational Research Association (AERA), Washington, DC, Spring, 2015.

  • Reconceptualization of Effective Teacher Dispositions from a Culturally Responsive and an Educational Psychology Perspective, Paper presentation at American Association for Teaching and Curriculum (AATC), Tampa, FL, Fall 2014.

  • Aesthetic, Spiritual, and Flow Experiences: Contrasts and Educational Implications. Paper presentation at American Educational Research Association (AERA), Philadelphia, PA, Spring, 2014. 

  • Imagining the Road Ahead: Elliot Eisner in the New Educational Era. Ideas & Issues presentation at American Association for Teaching and Curriculum (AATC), Chicago, IL, Fall 2013.

  • Student and Teacher Perceptions in a Title I Classroom. Served as a faculty mentor for an accepted student presentation at the National Council on Undergraduate Research, Lexington, KY, Spring 2013.

  • Rewriting the Script: Transforming and Reclaiming Lesson Planning. Roundtable presentation at American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Francisco, CA, Spring, 2013.

  • Transforming and Reclaiming Lesson Planning: Reinvigorating Process Back into the Curriculum. Paper presentation at American Association for Teaching and Curriculum (AATC), San Antonio, TX, Fall, 2012.

  • Teacher Beliefs and Intentions and the Potential for Educational Transformation. Paper presentation at American Association for Teaching and Curriculum (AATC), San Antonio, TX, Fall, 2012.

  • Silenced Voices in Educational Policy: Sharing the Story of Teachers. Ideas & Issues presentation at American Association for Teaching and Curriculum (AATC), San Antonio, TX, Fall, 2012.

  • New Conceptions on the Dispositions of Culturally Responsive Teachers: The Three Domains of Culturally Responsive Teaching. Paper presentation at American Educational Research Association (AERA), Vancouver, BC, Spring, 2012.

  • Perceptual Lesson Planning. Paper presentation at American Educational Research Association (AERA), Vancouver, BC, Spring, 2012.

  • Introducing Personalized Pedagogy: The Evolution of Culturally Responsive Teaching and an In-Depth Look at the Operationalizing of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy. Paper presentation at American Educational Research Association (AERA), Vancouver, BC, Spring, 2012.

  • The Power to Transform: Implementation as Aesthetic Awakening. Paper presentation at American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Diego, CA, Spring, 2009.

  • Finding the Balance between Process and Product in Lesson Planning: The Aesthetic-Transformative Lesson Planning Model. Paper presentation at American Association for Teaching and Curriculum (AATC), St. Louis, MO, Fall, 2009



  • The Tales from the Classroom Project: Collaborating with Educational Scholars and K-12 Educators to Make a Tangible Impact in Schools, Presentation at the Ohio Confederation of Teacher Education Organizations (OCTEO) Conference, Columbus, OH, Spring 2019.

  • How Teachers Can Join a Network of Advocates for Education: The Tales from the Classroom Project, Presentation at the Ohio Educators Rising Conference, Bexley, OH, Spring 2019.

  • Stepping out of the Ivory Tower to Advocate for Education: How Academics Can Utilize Social Media and Blogging to Make an Impact, Presentation at the Ohio Confederation of Teacher Education Organizations (OCTEO) Conference, Columbus, OH, Spring 2018.

  • Moving Beyond the Theoretical to Prepare Teacher Educators for Diverse Learners: Utilizing Vignettes to Teach the Actions of Culturally Responsive Teachers, Presentation at the Ohio Confederation of Teacher Education Organizations (OCTEO) Conference, Dublin, OH, Spring 2016.

  • Using the CRISPA Lesson Planning Model to Enhance Student and Teacher Creativity, Presentation at the Ohio Council of Teacher of Mathematics Annual Conference in Cleveland, Ohio, Spring 2014.



  • Culturally Responsive Teaching. Invited presentation at the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching Professional Development Series, Capital University, Fall 2019. 

  • The Tales from the Classroom Project: Collaborative Scholarship, Public Pedagogy, and Using Multimedia to Bridge the Divide Between Academia and the Public. Presentation at the Capital University Education Society, Fall 2018, Spring 2019.

  • Collaborative Scholarship, Public Pedagogy, and Using Multimedia to Bridge the Divide Between Academia and the Public – The Tales from the Classroom Project. Sabbatical Presentation at Capital University, Fall 2018. 

  • The Funding Gap: How School Funding Formulas and the Education Act Of 1965 (ESEA) Perpetuate Social Inequities, Presentation at the Inaugural Capital University Day of Action Teach-in, Capital University, Fall 2016.

  • Dispositions of Highly Effective Teachers, Invited speech at the Capital University Education Society Special Event, Capital University, Fall 2016.

  • The Challenges and Successes of Online Teaching, Panel presentation at the Showcase of E-Learning, Capital University, Fall 2015.

  • Writing and Teaching a Hybrid Course, Panel presentation at the Showcase of E-Learning, Capital University, Spring 2015.

  • Adapting Face-to-Face Curriculum and Instruction to a Hybrid Format, Panel presentation at the Showcase of E-Learning, Capital University, Spring 2014. 

  • Curriculum Redesign to Align with Assessment of Student Learning: Capital University Education Department, Poster presentation at the Showcase of Student Learning, Capital University, Fall 2013.  

  • Preparing for the PRAXIS II: What to Expect, Capital University, Spring 2012.

  • Smooth Transitions Invited Speaker, Capital University, Fall 2012.

  • Examining the Operationalizing of Culturally Responsive/Personalized Pedagogy, Presentation based off of research done on culturally responsive/personalized pedagogy to undergraduate education majors, Capital University, Columbus, OH, Fall 2011, Fall 2012. 

  • Theory and Practice of Understanding by Design, University of Colorado at Boulder, Teacher Education Program, Boulder, CO, Fall 2009

  • Preparing for the Colorado PLACE exam for Teachers, Denver Teacher Residency Program, Denver, CO, Winter 2009, Winter 2010.

  • Application of Qualitative Research in Educational Settings, Regis University, School of Education and Counseling, Denver, CO., Fall 2010

  • Policy Implications of the History of the Elementary and Secondary Schools Act. Overland High School, National qualifying Speech and Debate Team, Aurora, CO, Winter 2009.

  • Including Choice in Curriculum, Assessment, and the Classroom Environment, Series of professional development workshops on cultural responsiveness for Overland High School, Aurora, CO, Fall 2009.

  • Understanding the Journey from ABD to PhD, Panelist for PhD students discussing the dissertation process, Denver, CO, Fall 2009.

  • Denver Teacher Residency Program / University of Denver & Denver Public Schools Research Assistant, Denver, CO, November 2008-Spring 2009.

  • Understanding Authentic Assessment. University of Denver, Teacher Education Program, Denver, CO, Winter 2008.

  • Strategies for Teaching At-risk Students on a Block Schedule, Cherry Creek P.R.E.P. High School, Aurora, CO, Fall 2008.

  • Preparing for the ACT Using the Reciprocal Reading Model, Cherry Creek School District, Aurora, CO, Winter 2005.

  • Curriculum Writing: The Basics, Overland High School, Spring and Summer 2002.



  • Bexley Public Library Staff Training – The Colors Inventory and Learning Modalities, Columbus Public Library, Bexley, OH, Spring 2019.

  • The Value of Goal Setting in Middle School”, I’MAGINE Program, Bexley Middle School, Fall 2012. 


Professional Service 



  • Program Chair, Elliot Eisner Special Interest Group within the American Educational Research Association, Fall 2019-Present. 

  • Executive Committee, American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, voted in for a Second Term Spring 2018, Spring 2015-Present.

  • Communications Director, American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Spring 2015-Present.

  • Committee Member, Laska Dissertation of the Year Award Committee, Spring 2018. 

  • Discussant, American Educational Research Association Annual Conference

    • Elliot Eisner SIG, ““Novel Perspectives of Teaching and Teachers: An Eisnerian Exploration” San Antonio, TX, Spring 2017.

  • Ad-hoc Publication Committee, American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Spring 2015-Fall 2016.

  • Executive Committee, Elliot Eisner Special Interest Group within the American Educational Research Association, Spring 2014-Spring 2017, Fall 2019-Present. 

  • Secretary, Elliot Eisner Special Interest Group within the American Educational Research Association, Spring 2014-Spring 2017.

  • Conference Committee Member, Elliot Eisner Special Interest Group within the American Educational Research Association, Spring 2014-Present.

  • Editorial Board, Journal of Urban Learning and Teaching, Spring 2013-Spring 2016.

  • Manuscript Reviewer for Teachers College Record, Fall 2013-Spring 2016, Fall 2018. 

  • Manuscript Reviewer for Urban Education, Spring 2015-Spring 2016. 

  • Manuscript Reviewer for Journal of Curriculum & Pedagogy, Spring 2015-Present. 

  • Manuscript Reviewer for Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, the journal of the American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Fall 2009-Present.

  • Ad-hoc Finance Committee, American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Fall 2014 - Spring 2015.

  • Newsletter Editor, American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Spring 2014-Fall 2015. 

  • Committee Member, John Laska Dissertation Award Committee for the American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Spring 2014. 

  • Program Chair, American Association for Teaching and Curriculum Annual Conference in Chicago, IL, Fall 2013. 

  • Peer Reviewer (2008-Present), American Educational Research Association Annual Conference presentation proposals. Division L and K; Division B and K; Division B, L, K, Elliot Eisner SIG, and Urban Teaching and Learning SIG.

  • Peer Reviewer (2008-Present), American Association for Teaching and Curriculum Annual Conference. 

  • Program Co-chair, American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies Annual Conference in Denver, CO, Spring 2009-Spring 2010.

  • Peer Reviewer, National Association for Multicultural Education Annual Conference presentation proposals, Summer 2009.

  • Discussant, American Educational Research Association Annual Conference

    • Teaching and Teacher Education, “Examining Professional Development Gains: Implications for Deepened Understandings and Classroom Practices,” San Diego, CA, Spring 2009. 



  • Faculty Liaison, Educators Rising, Fall 2018-Present. 

  • Faculty Liaison and Program Co-Chair, Educators Rising, Fall 2018-Present. 

  • Chair, Education Department Curriculum Committee, Spring 2015-Present.

  • Advisor for all Undeclared Undergraduate Majors, Capital University, Fall 2014-Present. 

  • Department Representative for Recruitment, Educators Rising Conference, Fall 2015-Present.

  • edTPA Evaluator Recruiter, Trainer, and Coordinator, Capital University, Fall 2015-Present.

  • Education Department Secretary, Unified College Faculty, Capital University, Fall 2015-Spring 2017.

  • Secretary, University Executive Committee, Capital University, Fall 2015-Spring 2017. 

  • Co-Chair, Education Department Curriculum Committee, Fall 2017-Spring 2018.

  • Chair, Education Department Curriculum Committee, Spring 2015-Spring 2017.

  • Adult and Graduate Liaison, Reading Endorsement Program, Capital University, Fall 2015-Present

  • Electronic Resource Librarian Search Committee, Capital University, Fall 2015-Spring 2016.

  • Early Childhood Education Tenured Faculty Member Search Committee, Capital University, Fall 2015

  • Co-Coordinator, Department Honors Program, Fall 2014-Present.

  • Senate Technology Committee Stand-in Member, Capital University, Spring 2016.

  • Reviewer, Capital University Undergraduate Research Symposium, Spring 2014, Spring 2015. Spring 2016, Spring 2017.

  • First-year Student Registration, Capital University, Spring 2013-Present.

  • Gateways to Completion Steering Committee, Capital University, Fall 2016-Spring 2017.

  • Representative for the Education Department – Higher Learning Commission Site Visit, Capital University, Spring 2016.

  • Faculty Representative for the Education Department - Presidential Search Committee, Capital University, Spring 2016.

  • Participant, Starting the Conversation: Diversity and Inclusion at Capital Today and Tomorrow, Fall 2014-Spring 2015.

  • Moderator, Capital University Undergraduate Research Symposium, Spring 2014, Spring 2017.

  • University Curriculum Committee, Capital University, Fall 2012-Spring 2015.

  • University Curriculum Committee Secretary, Capital University, Fall 2014-Spring 2015.

  • Faculty Invitee, Residence Hall Association Mystery Dinner, Capital University, Spring 2015.

  • Reviewer for Universal Design for Learning University Project, Capital University, Spring 2013.

  • Master’s Degree in Higher Education Steering Committee, Capital University, Spring 2013, Fall 2014-Spring 2015. 

  • edTPA Regional Meeting University Representative, Capital University, Spring 2013, Spring 2015. 

  • Foundations of Excellence Steering Committee, Capital University, Fall 2012-Spring 2013.

  • Co-Chair, Foundations of Excellence Improvement Dimension Committee, Capital University, Fall 2012-Spring 2013.

  • Empathy Project Planning Committee, Capital University, Fall 2012.

  • Academic Success Assistant Director Search Committee, Capital University, Fall 2012.

  • School of Social Sciences and Education Visit Day Invited Lecturer, Capital University, Fall 2012.

  • Honors Advisor, Capital University, Fall 2012-Spring 2014.

  • Curriculum Writer/Committee Member, Capital University Master’s of Education Program, Fall 2011-Present.

  • Co-Chair/Curriculum Writer, Capital University Reading Endorsement Program, Fall 2011-Spring 2014.

  • Academic Advisor, Capital University, Fall 2011-present.

  • Co-Chair, Education Department Curriculum Committee, Fall 2014.

  • Department Committee Membership, Curriculum Committee, 2011-Present, Master’s of Education Program Committee, 2011-Spring 2014, Student Assessment and Monitoring, 2011-2012.

  • Search Committee – Science Educator Tenure Line Position, Fall 2014-Spring 2015.

  • Discussant, Capital University Undergraduate Research Symposium, Spring 2012.

  • Editorial Support, Capital University Education Department NCATE report, 2011-2012.

  • New Teacher Mentor Program, Overland High School Program Lead, Teacher Mentor, Fall 2009-Spring 2010.

  • Program Designer, Curriculum Writer University of Denver Online Master’s Degree in Educational Innovations and Formal/Informal Learning Environments

2010-Spring 2011.

  • Writer, Team Lead, Accreditation Team, University of Denver Teacher Education Program, Winter 2009-Spring 2010.

  • Reflector, Ritchie Symposium for 6th cohort of future school administrators, Spring 2009.

  • Editor-in-chief, College of Education-University of Denver Graduate Schools Anthology, 2008-2010.

  • Editor, University of Denver College of Education Anthology, 2007-2008.

  • Advising Assistant, Teacher Education Program, University of Denver, Fall 2007-Spring 2010.

  • Co-writer Language Development Endorsement Curriculum, Teacher Education Program, University of Denver, Spring 2008.

  • Cooperating Teacher, Overland High School/University of Denver, Winter 2008-Spring 2009.

  • Urban Teacher Residency Advisory Group/University of Denver Launch Team,

       January 2007-June 2007.



  • Literacy Day at Kae Avenue Guest Reader, Whitehall, OH, Spring 2019.

  • Kenyon College-Capital University Teacher Education Licensure Program, Gambier, OH, Fall 2018-Present.

  • Consultant for Ohio Joint Education Oversight Committee, Columbus, OH, Spring 2019.

  • Interested Party Advisory Group for Ohio State Legislature Teacher Report Card Revision Bill, Spring 2018-Present.

  • Continents Academy Board Member, Columbus, OH, Spring 2018-Present.

  • Whitehall Public Schools Partnership and State of the Schools, Whitehall, OH, Spring 2017.

  • P. Bruce Uhrmacher Scholarship Executive Committee, Denver, CO, Fall 2013-Present. 

  • Capitol School Planning Committee, Capital University, Fall 2012-Spring 2013.

  • Woodcrest Elementary School Reading Program, Developer, Fall 2013-Spring 2016.

  • Worthington Public Schools Program Evaluation Project

       Evaluation Team Member, Fall 2011-Spring 2012 

  • Children’s Day Participant, Columbus Public Schools, Spring 2012, Spring 2013.

  • Worthington Curriculum Project, Worthington Public Schools, Spring 2012.

  • Canal Winchester Race to the Top Partnership, Canal Winchester Public Schools, Spring 2012. 

  • Quality Urban Teachers Research / Denver Public Schools / University Partnership Team (DU, CU, Metro, UCD, UNC, Regis) / Janus Alliance Research assistant, February 2009-Spring 2010.

  • Theoretical and Practical Praxis of Culturally Responsive Teachers / University of Denver / Cherry Creek Public Schools / Denver Public Schools Researcher, Winter 2008-Spring 2010.

  • P-20 S.T.E.M. Campus Curriculum, Instruction, and Structure Consultant, Aurora Public Schools, Consultant, Fall 2009


Curriculum Writing


Wrote or co-wrote curriculum for the following:


  • PK-5 Early Childhood Education & K-12 Intervention Specialist Licensure Program, Capital University, Fall 2018-Present. 

Co-lead the redesign and curriculum development of the new licensure program for Early Childhood Educators, Intervention Specialists, and dual Early Childhood and Intervention students. The program aligns with the new licensure bands put forth by the Ohio Department of Education and incorporates new courses in line with the most current research in literacy, early childhood education, and special education. 


  • Reading Endorsement Program, Capital University, Fall 2011-Spring 2014.

Oversaw the development of the Reading Endorsement Program curriculum, developing course sequencing to correspond with Ohio Reading Endorsement requirements and research-based best practices. Utilized the SCOPE program evaluation tool based off of Elliot Eisner’s Ecology of Schooling to evaluate successful programs offered at other institutions and to develop the curriculum for the Capital University program. 


  • Instruction & Assessment (EDF 664), University of Northern Colorado

This graduate-level, online course is designed to examine philosophical and practical approaches to various instructional and assessment practices Students evaluate the relationships and purposes of various assessments, examine the intersection of theory and practice in relation to instruction and assessment, and synthesize these ideas in creation of their own philosophy of assessment and instruction. 


  • Writing: Theory and Practice Online (EDU 310), Capital University.

This course is designed for K-12 teacher education students to learn how to teach the writing process in their future classrooms. Through the study of current theories of the writing process and their application to teaching writing in diverse contexts to diverse student learners, students examine composing, reflecting on, editing/revising, and assessing various genres of writing for the purpose of teaching them in their own future classrooms. 


  • Content Reading and Genres (EDU 502), Capital University.

The purpose of this course is to first examine the reading process and to explore the research and practice of implementing curriculum and instructional strategies to improve reading, thinking, and understanding in the content areas from elementary to high school. Along with building a foundational understanding of the essential elements of reading, student will learn how to implement reading strategies in content area lessons, how to develop a socialized, literate classroom culture, as well as how to identify and fix reading miscues.  


  • Research Methods I (EDU 510), Capital University, Co-written.

This is an introductory course that introduces graduate students to various purposes, means, and practices associated with educational and social inquiry while providing them with a basic understanding of the dominant qualitative and quantitative methodologies.  The course is intended for graduate students who are interested in consuming and engaging in educational inquiry, and its aim is to help students understand the language of and conceptualize research in the social sciences. In the two-course sequence students will explore generally accepted procedures for generating, analyzing, and interpreting data and will also develop the capacity to engage in dialogue about research using appropriate conceptualizations and vocabulary.  


  • Research Methods II (EDU 520), Capital University, Co-written.

EDUC 520 is the second semester in a two-semester sequence on critical qualitative research.  Critical qualitative research is distinguished from other types of qualitative research through its epistemological and data-analytic theories.  However, critical qualitative research is not incompatible with other forms of qualitative research.  Rather, all of the methods taught in the full spectrum of qualitative research traditions and most of the concepts used by qualitative researchers who self-identify with diverse research communities can, are and often should be used within the framework of critical theory as it was taught in EDUC 510.


  • Educational Change (EDU 532), Capital University.

This course focuses on the praxis of theory and practice in curriculum studies. More specifically, in this course students explore where curriculum theories become manifest in actual learning environments when the intended curriculum is operationalized. As is the case, students have the opportunity to evaluate an implemented curriculum in an authentic setting. Further, students extend their knowledge on curriculum implementation in studying the factors that are involved in the process. 


  • Teaching: Best Practices (EDU 534), Capital University, Co-written.

Students in this course analyze and synthesize best practices in curriculum and instruction as defined and described by a variety of scholars. In the process, students examine the multiple facets of the teaching and learning process that include pedagogical approaches, culturally responsive pedagogy/equity pedagogy, student engagement, classroom environments, curricular approaches, and assessments. Students explore a wide array of literature from a variety of perspectives in challenging their own assumptions of what comprises best practices. Students apply best practice principles to an analysis of a selected aspect of their own teaching, with the goal of advancing student academic achievement. The goal of this course is not only to be able to critically analyze a teaching and learning environment, but also to be intentional and reflective in one’s own practice. 


  • Teacher Education Program, Capital University, Fall 2011-Spring 2014.

As a member of the Education Department Curriculum Committee, collaborated with colleagues on the committee and within the department as a whole to re-envision the Teacher Education Program curriculum, including curriculum in Early Childhood Education, Middle Childhood Education, Adolescent to Young Adult (Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Math), and K-12 licensure (Intervention Specialist, Art, Music, Health/Physical Education). Developed five new department goals and utilized the backward design model and Bloom’s taxonomy to re-envision courses and develop student outcomes/assessments at the 100, 200, 300, and 400 level connected to each goal. 


  • Introduction to Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (EDU 201), Capital University.

This course serves as an introduction to curriculum development (lesson, unit, and year planning), pedagogical approaches to teaching, assessment design, and reflective practice in order to prepare the students for the pedagogy field experience, student teaching, and in-service teaching. The course materials will focus on the many facets of the planning and teaching experience, which will assist students in understanding the organic nature of teaching and learning.


  • Online Delivery of Introduction to Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (EDU 201), Capital University.

This course was adapted from the face-to-face version of EDU 201 with the field component replaced by four extra weeks of content and video observations of classrooms utilized for analysis. The online portal contains 15 weeks of activities and discussions written specifically for online delivery.


  • Developing as a Professional Online, Capital University.

This course, which is offered in a traditional classroom, has been rewritten to fit the iLearn platform utilized at Capital University. This course focuses on professional development through the use of case studies reflecting the professional skills of collaborating, adapting and differentiating instruction and assessment when working with students with linguistic, cultural and ability differences. Present Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession and federal law requirements will be guides for the applications of these skills, emphasizing the ability to define and defend effective teaching practices as they relate to student learning and achievement.


  • Content Area Reading Hybrid Online/Face-to Face, Capital University.

The purpose of this hybrid course is to review the reading process and reading terminology for future teachers with emphasis on reading as it pertains to the content areas. The course also explores differences between early and advanced cognitive development and how those differences relate to reading.


  • Educational Research and Critical Reflection (EDRS 600), Regis University.

This course, offered in online and face-to-face formats, introduces fundamental concepts related to quantitative and qualitative educational research emphasizing teacher generated action research. Covers evaluation and engagement in educational research. Critical reflection as action research will be explored as well.


  • Curriculum Foundations (EDCI 600), Regis University, Co-written.

This course, offered in online and face-to-face formats, is designed to provide foundational knowledge in the field of curriculum. Students examine some of the major philosophies on curriculum while concurrently exploring the constructs of knowledge from which many of these philosophies derive. The course also prepares students for completion of their capstone project.


  • Culturally Responsive Pedagogy (EDCI 602), Regis University, Co-written.

This course, offered in online and face-to-face formats, examines the intricacies of individualized teaching strategies that place students’ culture at the heart of teaching. Students will examine how such an emphasis can lead to valuable learning experiences for all learners.


  • Curriculum Implementation and Evaluation (EDCI 604), Regis University.

This course, offered in online and face-to-face formats, focuses on the praxis of theory and practice in curriculum studies. Students develop, implement, and evaluate a curriculum in an authentic setting, examine the three dominant forms of curriculum implementation, analyze the elements of successful and unsuccessful curriculum implementations, and explore the essential elements and stakeholders of effective curriculum implementations. 


  • Assessment and Instruction (EDF 664), University of Northern Colorado.

This course, offered online, is a course designed to examine current issues in instructional and assessment practices, from social and historical and political perspectives; focus on the research literature on instruction and assessment practices.


Recruitment, Admissions & Alumni Relations


  • Educators Rising Department Representative, Ohio Dominican University, Spring 2017, Spring 2018, Spring 2019, Spring 2020.

  • Site Chair and Host for Ohio Educators Rising Conference, Capital University, Spring 2019, Spring 2020.

  • Faculty Host Team for Gahanna Lincoln Future Teachers, Capital University, Spring 2017.

  • Eastland-Fairfield Teacher Academy Department Representative, Gahanna Lincoln High School, Fall 2016.

  • Academic Visit Day Facilitator, Teacher Education Program, Capital University, Summer 2016.

  • Academic Visit Day Co-facilitator, Teacher Education Program, Capital University, Fall 2013, Fall 2014-Spring 2015, Spring 2017.

  • Alumni Outreach Program Co-chair, Teacher Education Program, University of Denver, Fall 2008-Spring 2010. 

  • Alumni Survey Designer, Teacher Education Program, University of Denver, Spring 2009.

  • Admissions Committee, Teacher Education Program, University of Denver, Spring 2010.

  • Admissions Team, Teacher Residency Program, University of Denver, Spring 2009- Spring 2010.

  • DTR Student Admissions Interview Committee, Denver Teacher Residency Program, University of Denver, Spring 2009.

  • DTR Selection Committee, Denver Teacher Residency Program, University of Denver, Spring 2009.

  • College of Education Recruitment Representative, University of Denver Morgridge College of Education, Fall 2007-Spring 2008.

  • English Department Hiring Committee, Overland High School, 2005-2008.  


Scholarships and Awards 


  • Gerhold Grant Recipient, Spring 2018

  • Francis P. Hunkins Distinguished Article Award Nominee, Spring 2013

  • American Association for Teaching and Curriculum Dissertation of the Year Nominee, Fall 2011

  • Graduate Assistant of the Year – Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver, Spring 2010

  • Graduate Assistantship, University of Denver, Fall 2007-Spring 2010.

  • Public Good Grant Team, for the Denver Teacher Residency Program, Spring 2008

  • National Honor Society Teacher of the Semester, Overland High School, Fall 2007.

  • Keynote Faculty Speaker, Overland High School Graduation, Spring 2008.

  • Keynote Student Speaker, University of Denver Teacher Education Program graduation, Spring 2004.


Professional Organizations


  • American Educational Research Association (AERA)

  • American Association for Teaching and Curriculum (AATC)  

  • Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)

  • Ohio Association of Teacher Educators (OATE)

  • Ohio Confederation of Teacher Educators (OCTEO)


Research Interests


  • Curriculum Theory & Application

  • Teacher Dispositions (Perceptive Teaching)

  • Culturally Responsive Pedagogy

  • The Arts in Education

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