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Morgridge College of Education

Research Methods and Statistics, Curriculum & Instruction

University of Denver




Stanford University, 1991

      Ph.D., School of Education: Design and Evaluation of Educational Programs 


Harvard University, 1985

      Master of Education in Teaching, Curriculum, Learning Environments


Indiana University, 1981

      Master of Science in Alternative Education


University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1979

      Bachelor of Science in History




Waldorf Schools Marching Quietly Unheard. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Stanford University). Honorable mention from Division D, Research Methods, of the American Educational Research Association (AERA).




Professor in Research Methods & Statistics, University of Denver, 2015- present


Professor in Curriculum & Instruction, University of Denver, 2005- present


Associate Professor in Curriculum & Instruction, University of Denver, 1996-2005


Assistant Professor in Curriculum and Instruction, University of Denver, 1990-1996


Alternative School Teacher, 1979-1981

NEW School, Ogden City Schools, Ogden, Utah


Alternative School Teacher, 1979-1980

Evening program, Ogden City Schools, Ogden, Utah


Alternative School Teacher, 1978-1979

City School, Madison Public Schools, Madison, Wisconsin




Department Chair, Educational Research, Policy, and Practice, July 2013 – July 2015

(Included: Curriculum & Instruction, Teacher Education; Educational Leadership; Higher 

Education Program)


Coordinator, Curriculum & Instruction, 1991-1999; 2000-2001; 2004-2006; January 

2010– Dec 2012 (Included Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education Program; 

in 2004, also the Boettcher Teacher Education Program)


Domain Director, Educational Leadership: School and Community, 2001-2004

(Included: Curriculum & Instruction, Teacher Education and Educational Leadership)


Faculty advisor and lecturer, 1993-present

Aesthetic Education Institute of Colorado (currently called the Institute for Creative Teaching), Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver and Think 360 Arts


Project Associate, 1986-1990

Stanford Project for International and Cross-Cultural Education (SPICE), Stanford University


Educational Equity Specialist, 1982-1984

Mountain West Race Desegregation Assistance Center, Weber State College, Ogden, Utah 




  • Upton Sinclair Award, 2018, Education Views, given to “people who have made an outstanding contribution to the field of education”


  • Outstanding Contribution to Arts Education Award, Think360Arts, 2016


  • Chair, Elliot Eisner SIG, American Educational Research Association, 2014- present


  • University of Denver, 20 years of service, 2013


  • Service Award, American Association of Teaching and Curriculum, 2012


  • Factotum, Professors of Curriculum, 2012-2013


  • Service Award, American Association of Teaching and Curriculum, 2012


  • Service Award, American Association of Teaching and Curriculum, 2011


  • Service Award, American Association of Teaching and Curriculum, 2010


  • Morgridge College of Education Student Association Apple Award in appreciation for leaders within education, 2010


  • Recognized for “effective use of Blackboard to improve learning” by students in participation with the Center for Teaching and Learning, 2006


  • The P. Bruce Uhrmacher Scholarship was set up in my name at DU by former students, 2005


  • Recipient of the 2003-2004 University of Denver Distinguished Teaching Award


  • Elected into Professors of Curriculum, 2001


  • President of American Association for Teaching and Curriculum (AATC), 2000-2001


  • American Association for Teaching and Curriculum Service Award, 2000


  • Recognized by the University of Denver’s Learning Effectiveness Program “as being especially sensitive to the needs of students with disabilities,” April 5, 1999







C. McConnell, B. Conrad, P. B. Uhrmacher (under contract). Plan with a Purpose: Five Models of Curriculum Design. New York: Teachers College Press. 


P. B. Uhrmacher, C. Moroye, D. Flinders (2017). Using Educational Criticism and Connoisseurship as Qualitative Research. New York: Routledge. 


P. B. Uhrmacher, K. Bunn (co-editors). 2011. Beyond the One Room School. Denmark: Sense Publications.


P. B. Uhrmacher, J. Matthews (co-editors). 2005. Intricate Palette: Working the Ideas of Elliot Eisner. Columbus, Ohio: Merrill Prentice Hall.


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles


D. Goodwin and P. B. Uhrmacher (Summer 2019). Responding and Connecting: Visual Literacy for Today Using the Mid-Century Ideas of Artist and Educator Kurt Rowland. Art Education, 72(3): 39-44. 


C. McConnell and P. B. Uhrmacher (2018). Teaching in the Moment: Educational Experience in the Age of Tomorrow. On the Horizon, 26(2), 170-180. 


L. Meng and P. B. Uhrmacher (2017). An Aesthetic Analysis of Confucian Teaching and Learning: The Case of Qifashi Teaching in China. Journal of Aesthetic Education, 51(1), 24-44. 


Q. Wu & P. B. Uhrmacher. (2017). Dewey’ s Aesthetic Perspectives in Modern Classroom Practice and Its Implications Based on Analysis of CRISPA Theoretical Framework. Studies in Foreign Education, 44 (2): 60-70.


P. B. Uhrmacher, B. Conrad, and C. Moroye (2016). Aesthetic, Spiritual, and Flow Experiences: Contrasts and Educational Implications. Education and Culture, 32(1), 131-151. 


B. Conrad, C. Moroye and P. B. Uhrmacher (2015). Curriculum Disruption: A Vision for New Practices in Teaching and Learning. Current Issues in Education, 18(3), 199-209.


L. Meng and P. B. Uhrmacher (2014). Chan teaching and learning: An aesthetic analysis of its educational import. Asia Pacific Education Review, 15(2), 1-11.


P. B. Uhrmacher, B. Conrad, and C. Moroye (2013). Reinvigorating Curriculum: Perceptual Lesson planning. Teachers College Record, 39(5), 613 – 636.


C. Moroye, P. B. Uhrmacher (2012). Standards, Not Standardization: Orchestrating

Aesthetic Educational Experiences. Language Arts Journal of Michigan, 28(1), 65-69.


C. Richards and P. B. Uhrmacher (2012). Elliot Eisner as Cultural Theorist, Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 9(1) 26-28. 


J. Armon, P. B. Uhrmacher, T. Ortega (2009). The Significance of Self-Portraits: Making Connections Through Monotype Prints in Letras y Arte. Art Education, 62(6), 12-18. 


P. B. Uhrmacher (2009). Toward a Theory of Aesthetic Learning Experiences. Curriculum Inquiry, 39(5), 613-636.


C. Moroye, P. B. Uhrmacher (2009) Aesthetic themes of education. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, 11(1-2), 85-101. 


P. B. Uhrmacher and C. Trousas (2008). Working the Image: Unearthing Aspects of Teachers’ Lives Through Arts-Engagement. LEARNing Landscapes,


P. B. Uhrmacher and B. Tinkler (2008). Engaging Learners and the Community through the Study of Monuments,  International Journal of Leadership in Education, 11(3), 225-238.


P. B. Uhrmacher and C. Moroye (2007). Instituting the Arts, The Clearing House, (81)2, 53-58. 


P. B. Uhrmacher (2002). An Education of Meaning, Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue  4(1), 67-73.


P. B. Uhrmacher (1997). The Curriculum Shadow," Curriculum Inquiry, 27(3), 317-330.


R. McDermott, P. Byers, C. Dillard, F. Easton, M. Henry and P. B. Uhrmacher (1996).  The Urban Waldorf School. Urban Education Review, 28(2), 119-140.


P. B. Uhrmacher (1995). Uncommon Schooling: A Historical Look at Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophy, and Waldorf Education. Curriculum Inquiry, 25(4), 381-406.


P. B. Uhrmacher (1993). Making Contact: An Exploration of Focused Attention Between Teacher and Students. Curriculum Inquiry, 23(4), 433-444.


P. B. Uhrmacher (1993). Coming to Know the World Through Waldorf Education," The Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 9(1), 87-104.


G. Martin-Kniep, P. B. Uhrmacher (1992).  Teachers as Curriculum Developers. The Journal of Curriculum Studies, 24(3), 261-271.


P. B. Uhrmacher (1991). Visions and Versions of Life in Classrooms. The Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 9(1), 107-116.


Journal Editor


D. J. Flinders, P. B. Uhrmacher (co-editors). 2014. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue 16(2). 


P. B. Uhrmacher and D. J. Flinders (co-editors). 2013. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue 15(1). 


P. B. Uhrmacher and D. J. Flinders (co-editors). 2012. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue 14(1). 


P. B. Uhrmacher and D. J. Flinders (co-editors). 2011. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue 13(1). 


P. B. Uhrmacher (Guest Editor). Spring 1997. Exploring the Margins: Lessons from Alternative Schools.  Theory Into Practice, 36(2). 


Culture Currents Editor


(Culture Currents presents the books, essays and other cultural media influencing educational leaders. It reveals what people are reading, seeing, or thinking about that may not be mentioned or cited in their scholarly work.) 


P.  B. Uhrmacher and B. Miller (2016). Culture Currents, International Journal of Leadership in Education, 19(3), 370-372. Featuring Sonia Nieto. 


P.  B. Uhrmacher and B. Conrad  (2011) Culture Currents, International Journal of Leadership in Education, 14(1), 119-125. Featuring Robert Donmoyer. 


P.  B. Uhrmacher and B. Conrad  (2011) Culture Currents, International Journal of Leadership in Education, 13(3), 349-356. Featuring Michael Connelly. 


C. Moroye, S. Burgert, P. Bruce Uhrmacher. (2010) Culture Currents, International Journal of Leadership in Education, 13(2), 235 – 238. Featuring Hilda Borko and C.A. Bowers. 


P.  B. Uhrmacher, C. Trousas, C. Moroye. Culture Currents (2004) International Journal of Leadership in Education 7(4), 379-386. Featuring: Jim Garrison, David Jardine.


P.  B. Uhrmacher, C. Trousas. (2003) Culture Currents, International Journal of Leadership in Education 6(1), 89-97. Featuring Tom Barone and Deborah Britzman.


P.  B. Uhrmacher, C. Trousas. (2002). Culture Currents, International Journal of Leadership in Education 5(1), 85-89. Featuring Robin Barrow and Cynthia Dillard. 


P.  B. Uhrmacher, C. Trousas. (2000) Culture Currents, International Journal of Leadership in Education 3(4), 415-419.  Featuring Kieran Egan, Andy Hargreaves and Harry Wolcott.


P.  B. Uhrmacher, M. Sharpswain and D. Allen. (1999). Culture Currents, International Journal of Leadership in Education 2(4), 383-386. Featuring Nel Noddings, Ted Aoki, Eleanor Duckworth, and Robert Sternberg.


P.  B. Uhrmacher. (1998),  "Culture Currents" International Journal of Leadership in Education, 1(3), 310-314. Featuring Jean Clandinin, Larry Cuban, Patti Lather and William Ayers. 


Book Chapters


C. McConnell Moroye, P. Bruce Uhrmacher (Accepted). Eco-Aesthetic Experiences: 

A Deweyan Framework for Ecological Aims in Schools and Classrooms. In Patricia Maarhuis and AG Rud (eds.) Imagining Dewey: Artful works and dialogue about Art as Experience.” The Netherlands: Brill Publishers. 


D. Goodwin, P. B. Uhrmacher (2017). Engaging English Language Learners through the Arts Using the Aesthetic Overlay of CRISPA. In Tabitha Dell’Angelo, Louise Ammentorp, and Lauren Madden (eds.) Using photography and other arts-based methods with English Language Learners. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers. 


P. B. Uhrmacher, C. Moroye (2014).  Experience, heightened vitality, and aesthetic engagement, or why is stick man smiling?  In Donna Adair Breault and Rick Breault (Eds.), Experiencing Dewey: Insights for today’s classroom (2nd ed.) (62-65). New York, NY: Routledge and Kappa Delta Pi.


C. Moroye, P. B. Uhrmacher. (2010) Aesthetic Themes as Conduits to Creativity.  In Cheryl Craig and Louise F. Dertechin (Eds.)  Cultivating Curious and Creative Minds, The Role of Teachers and Teacher Educators: Part 1. Teacher Education Yearbook XVIII. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Education, pp. 99-114. 


P. B. Uhrmacher, B. Conrad, C. Lindquist (2010). The Power to Transform: Implementation as Aesthetic Awakening. In T. Costantino and B. White (Eds.) Essays on Aesthetic Education for the 21st Century. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

P. B. Uhrmacher, C. Moroye. (2008) “Finding our Niche: Accountability in Higher Education.” In Judith Slater, David Callejo Perez and Steve Fain (Eds). War Against the Professions. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.


P. B. Uhrmacher (2007). “Artful Curriculum, Evaluation, and Instruction: Lessons from Rudolf Steiner and Waldorf Education.”  In David T. Hansen (Ed.) Ideas in Action: International Perspectives on the Philosophy and Practice of Education. New York: Teachers College Press. 


P. B. Uhrmacher (2004). “An Environment for Developing Souls: The Ideas of Rudolf Steiner.” In D. Callejo Perez, S. Fain and J. Slater (Eds.). Pedagogy of Place: Seeing space as cultural education. New York: Peter Lang.


P. B. Uhrmacher (2001). “On Elliot Eisner.”  In Joy Palmer (Ed.).  Fifty Modern Thinkers on Education. London: Routledge.


P. B. Uhrmacher (1992). "Curriculum Philosophies and Ideologies.”  Series Introduction. Millwood, New York: Kraus International Publications: 1-15. Published in the following:


English/Language Arts: A practical guide for K-12 English/Language Arts 



English as a Second Language: A practical guide for K-12 English as a Second 

Language Curriculum


Early Childhood Education: A practical guide for K-12 Early Childhood 

Education Curriculum 


Mathematics: A practical guide for K-12 Mathematics Curriculum 


Science: A practical guide for K-12 Science Curriculum 


Social Studies: A practical guide for K-12 Social Studies Curriculum 


Visual Arts: A practical guide for K-12 Visual Arts Curriculum 


Environmental Education: A practical guide for K-12 Environmental Education 



Health: A practical guide for K-12 Health Curriculum



Other Publications


P. B. Uhrmacher, C. McConnell Moroye, B. Conrad (2018). Introduction to Creating Vibrant Art Lessons: A Teacher's Sketchbook by Kristin Baxter. New York: Teachers College Press.


P. B. Uhrmacher and C. McConnell Moroye. (2017). Prologue to The Enlightened Eye: Qualitative Inquiry and the enhancement of educational practice, by Elliot W. Eisner. New York: Teachers College Press. 


P. B. Uhrmacher (2014). Editor’s Notes: Zombies in the Midst: Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue 16(2).


P. B. Uhrmacher (2014). On Further Reflections of Elliot Eisner. Division B Newsletter, AERA. 


P. B. Uhrmacher (2014). The house that inspiration built: Remembering Elliot W. Eisner. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 15(SI 1.11). (online)


P. B. Uhrmacher (2013). Editor’s Notes: Anthem of the Dead: Live curriculum and an education of improvisation. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue 15(1), xv-xxii.


P. B. Uhrmacher (2012). Editor’s Notes: Chasing curriculum through image and provocation. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue 14(1): xvii-xxiii.


P. B. Uhrmacher (2011). Editor’s notes: Playing by the numbers. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue 13(1), xvii-xxi.


P. B. Uhrmacher and B. Tinkler (2007). A Monumental Curriculum. On-Line Edition of Educational Leadership. ASCD


P. B. Uhrmacher. (Spring 1997). Evaluating Change: Strategies for Borrowing From Alternative Education  in Theory Into Practice, 36(2), 71-78.


P. B. Uhrmacher (April 1985). Use This Step-By-Step Approach To Reduce The Student Dropout Rate. The American School Board Journal, 172(4), 40-41.


R. Wong, D. Siegfreid and P. B. Uhrmacher (1984). Computers and Equity: A Pilot Program. The Computing Teacher Journal, 11(8), 52-55.


P. B. Uhrmacher (Winter, 1984). Who's Asking, Anyway? Changing Schools.


P. B. Uhrmacher (January 2006). University of Denver, Faculty Forum, Thoughts on Academic Quality. XIX, (1-2).


P. B. Uhrmacher (Fall 2000, Winter 2001, Spring 2001 and Summer 2001). AATC Newsletter, “President’s Corner”.  


P. B. Uhrmacher (2001). AATC Teaching and Curriculum Dialogue. 2001. “President’s Message.” 


P. B. Uhrmacher (c. June 5, 2001). On Waldorf Education, Williamsburg Gazette, Williamsburg, Va., Editorial page. 


P. B. Uhrmacher (1998). Will Charter Schools Improve Or Undermine Public Education? Stanford Alumni Magazine.


Book Reviews


B. Miller and P. B. Uhrmacher. (2016). Tiananmen Exiles. By Rowena Xiaoqing He. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, 17(1-2).


P. B. Uhrmacher and C. Moroye. (2009). “Sage Handbook of Curriculum and Instruction” by Michael Connelly, Ming Fang He, and JoAnn Phillion (eds). Journal of Curriculum Studies, 41(1), 115-130. 


P. B. Uhrmacher (2004). “Vision Statement for Flash Reviews” in the International Journal of Leadership In Education, 7(4), 387. 


P. B. Uhrmacher (2004). “Knowing Dewey.” Book Review of The Education of John Dewey: A Biography by Jay Martin. International Journal of Leadership In Education, 7(4), 388.  


P. B. Uhrmacher (1998). “Vision Statement for Book Reviews” in the International Journal of Leadership In Education, 1(1), 85.


P. B. Uhrmacher (1998). “Review #1: Educational Landscapes in Four Measures” in the International Journal of Leadership In Education, 1(1), 85-90.


P. B. Uhrmacher (1996). "Transformative Curriculum Leadership" by James Henderson and Richard Hawthorne for Holistic Education Review, 9(2), 59-61.


P. B. Uhrmacher (1995) "School as a Journey" by Torin Finser for Holistic Education Review, 8(4): 50-52. 


Encyclopedia Entries


P. B. Uhrmacher (In press). The Curriculum Shadow. In D. Flinders (Ed). The Routledge Encyclopedia of Education. 


P. B. Uhrmacher and Jodie Wilson (In press). Aesthetic Curriculum. In D. Flinders (Ed.). The Routledge Encyclopedia of Education.


P. B. Uhrmacher & Anna Leisser (2016). Janusz Korczak. In J A. P. Cooper (Ed.). Routledge Encyclopaedia of Educational Thinkers. London: Routledge.


P. B. Uhrmacher (2016). Elliot Eisner. In J. A. P. Cooper (Ed.). Routledge Encyclopaedia of Educational Thinkers. London: Routledge.


P. B. Uhrmacher (2014). Waldorf Education: Rudolf Steiner. In D.C. Phillips (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy. (pp. 848-850). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.


P. B. Uhrmacher (2010). Curriculum Inquiry, The Journal. In C. Kridel (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies. Thousand Oaks, CA.: Sage Publications

P. B. Uhrmacher (2010). Handbook on Curriculum & Instruction. In C.  Kridel (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies. Thousand Oaks, CA.: Sage Publications





Assisted with “Songs of Michael Stanwood,” individual lesson plans, 2012


Assisted with “Notes about Character Education” Curriculum and Songs of Michael Stanwood, 2011


Assisted with The CELL’s curriculum development, 2009 -  2010


Assisted with the Denver Art Museum’s on-line Creativity Resource for Teachers, 2008


Step Ball: A Child's Book about Feelings and Differences, oversaw curriculum development for Norm Early and Danelle Young, 2001


Two Visions of the Conquest. SPICE curriculum unit. Author and Editor, 1989


The Challenge of Technology: The Microelectronic Link. SPICE curriculum unit. Author and Editor, 1988


Coffee Connections. SPICE curriculum unit. Author and Editor, 1987


Mapping Latin America. SPICE curriculum unit. Editor, 1986


Scarcity and Survival in El Salvador. SPICE curriculum unit. Editor, 1986




Outside Review of the University of Northern Colorado’s M.A.T. Curriculum Studies and EdD Educational Studies Programs, December 2017


Aesthetic Education Institute of Colorado, Stage I, Young Audiences, 2004-2005.


Aesthetic Education Institute of Colorado, Stage II, Young Audiences, Summer 2004.


North Central Association Accreditation Site Visit, Ricks Center for Gifted Students, October 23-24, 2003.


Supervised an evaluation of the Harmony Project, a program in Remington Elementary School, Denver Public Schools, Spring, Summer 2002.


Evaluator of the Artist-in-Residence program in Denver, Colorado 1994-1997.


Evaluator of the Urban Waldorf School in Milwaukee, May 1994.


Evaluator of the Artist-in-Residence program in the San Luis Valley, Colorado 1993-1995.


Evaluator of the curriculum, What Works? A Guide to School-Based Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Curricula (1989). Stanford University: Health Promotion Resource Center.





“Kurt Rowland’s Visual Education: A Bridge between Levels of Human Experience,” Donna Goodwin, P. B. Uhrmacher. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association Conference, Toronto, Canada, April 2019.


“The Between Curriculum.” C. Lindquist, B. Conrad, P. B. Uhrmacher. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum. Dallas, Texas, October 2018.


 “Person-In-Community”: A Framework for Ethical Decision Making and Implications for Environmental Education.” C. McConnell Moroye and P. B. Uhrmacher. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum. Denver, Colorado, October 2017.


“Late Elliot Eisner Tribute.” Professors of Curriculum. Paper presented to the American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Tampa, Florida. October 2014.


 “Curriculum Talk: Adaptation of Ecomindedness for K-12 Curriculum,” C. Moroye and P. B. Uhrmacher. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Education Research Association, Chicago, Illinois, October 2014.


“Aesthetic, Spiritual, and Flow Experiences: Contrasts and Educational Implications,” P. B. Uhrmacher, B. Conrad and C. Moroye. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Education Research Association, Philadelphia, PA, April 2014


“Rewriting the Script: Transforming and Reclaiming Lesson Planning,” P. B. Uhrmacher, C. Moroye, and B. Conrad. Roundtable Paper presented to the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, April 2013.


 “Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue,” roundtable talk about the Journal. American Education Research Association, San Francisco, April 2013. 


“Transforming and Reclaiming Lesson Planning: Reinvigorating Process Back into the Curriculum Purpose,” with B. Conrad and C. Moroye. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum, San Antonio, October 2012.


“Arts-Based Lesson Planning,” with B. Conrad and C. Moroye. Paper presented to the annual conference of the American Education Research Association, Vancouver, Canada, April 2012.


“Finding the Balance between Process and Product Through Aesthetic-Transformative Lesson Planning,” with B. Conrad and C. Moroye. Paper presented to the annual conference of the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum, St. Louis, MO. October 2010. 


“Aesthetics and Engagement in the Content Areas,” with C. Moroye, American Association of Teaching and Curriculum. St. Louis, MO, October 2010


“Six Dimensional Teaching and Learning,” with C. Moroye, American Association for Teaching and Curriculum. Arlington, VA, 2009.


“The Power to Transform: Implementation as Aesthetic Awakening,” with B. Conrad and C. Lindquist. Paper presented to the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA, April 2009.


“Tapestry of Possibility: Using Aesthetic Dimensions to Attain Educational Goals.” Paper presented to the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA, April 2009. 


“Aesthetic Dimensions of Education in Action,” with C. Moroye. Paper presented to the annual conference of the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum, Austin, Texas, October 2008.


“That which lies beneath: Unearthing the unconscious, symbol systems, and images in classrooms through arts-engagement,” with C. Trousas. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, New York, March 2008.


“Artistry and action: Using arts-based action research for educational inquiry,” with C. Trousas. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum, Cleveland, Ohio, October 2007.


“Synergistic Qualitative Research: Implications of Pairing Educational Criticism and Oral History Methodologies,” with C. Mears. Paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Francisco, CA. April 2006.


“Intricate Palette: Working the ideas of Elliot Eisner,” paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Diego, CA. April 2004.


 “To revise—not? An examination of the Curriculum Studies Reader,” paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum, Tulsa, Oklahoma, October 2002.


“An Environment for Developing Souls: The Ideas of Rudolf Steiner,” paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, New Orleans, April 2000.


"Community and Collective Memory: A Commemorative Curriculum for Democracy," paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum, Orlando, October 1999.


 “Educational Criticism and School Improvement,” paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum, Orlando, October 1998.


"Evaluating Change: Contextual and Aesthetic Strategies for Borrowing Ideas from Alternative Education," paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Chicago, March 1997.


"Presentational Action Research: An Analysis," paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Francisco, April 1995. 


"Presentational Action Research," paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Atlanta, April 1993.


"Coming to Know the World Through Waldorf Education," paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Francisco, April 1992.


"A Look at the Transformations of Perceptions in Global Education," paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Forum, Hartford, Conn., May 1991.  


"Installation Art: A Fresh Approach to Educational Criticism," paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Chicago, March 1991. Installation art exhibit created by Gaye Green. 


"Knowing with Social Studies Education," paper presented to the annual meeting of the National Council for Social Studies, St. Louis, November 1989.


"Visions and Versions of Life in Classrooms," paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Francisco, March 1989.


"Contexts of Collaboration: The Waldorf Approach," paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Francisco, March 1989.


"Thematic Knowledge: Parallels Drawn from Literary and Cultural Criticism," paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, New Orleans, April 1988.


"Creating The Everyday Citizen: Research into the Elementary School Curriculum" with Meg Rogers, paper presented to the annual meeting of the National Council for Social Studies, New York, November 1986. 





“Ecological Mindedness in Community and Classroom Spaces,” with C. McConnell. American Association for Teaching and Curriculum. Dallas, Texas. October 2018. 


“Innovative Professional Development Models: Changing Education Through Teacher Training,” J. Diminich and P. B. Uhrmacher. Young Audiences 2018 National Conference, Denver, Colorado. April 5, 2018.


“Writer’s Workshop,” with David Flinders. American Association for Teaching and Curriculum. Denver, Colorado. October 2017. 


“Writer’s Workshop,” with Chara Haeussler Bohan. American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Grand Rapids, Michigan. October 2016. 


“Curriculum Studios,” with Christy Moroye and Brittany Miller. American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Portland, Maine. October 2015.


“CAEP, Techne, and the Decline of Graduate Education in Curriculum and Teaching: “I Have Seen the Enemy and He is Us”—Response to Gretchen Schwartz. American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Portland, Maine. October 2015.


“Writer’s Workshop,” with Chara Haeussler Bohan. American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Portland, Maine. October 2015. 


“Curriculum Talk: Adaptation of Ecomindedness for K-12 Curriculum,” with Christy Moroye. American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Tampa, Florida. October 2014


“Late Elliot Eisner Tribute.” Professors of Curriculum. American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Tampa, Florida. October 2014. 


“CTD Editors Session and Writer’s Workshop, with Chara Haeussler Bohan, Christy Moroye, and David Flinders. American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Tampa, Florida. October 2014. 


“In tribute to Elliot Eisner,” presentation for the Professors of Curriculum meeting, AERA, Philadelphia, PA. April 2014.


“Imagining the Road Ahead: Elliot Eisner in the New Educational Era,” American Association for Teaching and Curriculum (AATC), Ideas and Issues Session, Moroye, Conrad, Ingman, Gottlieb, Uhrmacher, Chicago, Illinois. October 2014


“Writer’s Workshop: Graduate Students and Junior Faculty,” with Cheryl Craig and Chara Haeussler Bohan. American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, San 

Antonio, Texas. October 2013. 


“Writer’s Workshop: Graduate Students and Junior Faculty,” with Cheryl Craig, Chara Haeussler Bohan. American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Denver, CO. October 2012.


“Writer’s Workshop: Graduate Students and Junior Faculty,” with Cheryl Craig, Laurie Bennet, Chara Haeussler Bohan. American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Denver, CO. October 2011.


“Review of Manuscripts and Conference Proposals: Helpful Pointers and Insight,” with Michelle Tenam-Zemach, Christy Moroye, and David Flinders, American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Denver, CO, 2011.


“Writer’s Workshop: Graduate Students and Junior Faculty,” with Cheryl Craig, Laurie Bennet, Chara Haeussler Bohan. American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, St. Louis, MO. October 2010.


 “Synergistic Effects of Planning and Teaching with Aesthetic Themes,” Christy Moroye; and Bruce Uhrmacher; American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Arlington, Virginia. (Workshop), October 2009.


“Writer’s Workshop: Graduate Students and Junior Faculty,” Cheryl Craig and Bruce Uhrmacher. American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Arlington, Virginia, October 2009.


“Beyond the One Room School House,” with Kristen Bunn. American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Cleveland, Ohio, October 2007.


“The Voice of Teachers in School Reform,” with Kevin Cloninger and Laurie Bennett. American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Cleveland, Ohio, October 2007.


“Curricular Conceptual Frameworks:  Can We Craft a Happy Medium Between Foshay and Eisner?” With Laurie Bennett. American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Charlotte, North Carolina, October 14, 2006.


“Three Views of Creativity: Montessori, Steiner, Eisner,” American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Portland, Oregon, October 8, 2004.


Tensions Between Community and Multiculturalism, Discussant, American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, October 2000.


Quandaries in Qualitative Research on Teaching and Curriculum, American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, October 2000.


“The Works of Elliot Eisner,” Discussant, American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, October 2000.


“Doing artistic action research,” workshop at the Qualitative Inquiry Conference at the University of Georgia, Athens, January 6, 1996.


"Presentational Action Research: An Analysis," paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Francisco, April 1995. 


"Presentational Action Research," paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Atlanta, April 1993.


"Coming to Know the World Through Waldorf Education," paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Francisco, April 1992.


"A Look at the Transformations of Perceptions in Global Education," paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Forum, Hartford, May 1991.  


"Installation Art: A Fresh Approach to Educational Criticism," paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Chicago, March 1991. Installation art exhibit created by Gaye Green. 


"Knowing With Social Studies Education," paper presented to the annual meeting of the National Council for Social Studies, St. Louis, November 1989.


"Visions and Versions of Life in Classrooms," paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Francisco, March 1989.


"Contexts of Collaboration: The Waldorf Approach," paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Francisco, March 1989.


"Thematic Knowledge: Parallels Drawn From Literary and Cultural Criticism," paper presented to the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, New Orleans, April 1988.


"Creating The Everyday Citizen: Research Into The Elementary School Curriculum,” with Meg Rogers, paper presented to the annual meeting of the National Council for Social Studies, New York, November 1986.





“CRISPA,” Office of Teaching and Learning Workshop, with P. Adamo. University of Denver, October 4, 2017


“CRISPA,” Foreign Languages Workshop, with P. Adamo. University of Denver, April 21, 2017


“CRISPA,” Office of Teaching and Learning Workshop, University of Denver, September 9, 2016


“Dewey, Eisner, and Creativity,” Keynote Address at The Power of Integrating Expressive Arts Seminar. Loveland, Colorado, September 19, 2015. 


“CRISPA,” DaVinci School, Colorado Springs, with C. Moroye. Professional Development, February 2014.


“CRISPA,” DPS Creativity Challenge Community. Professional Development, June 2, 2012.


“CRISPA,” Regis University Teacher Education Program, November 12, 2011


“CRISPA,” Think360Arts/Denver Art Museum, October 21, 2011


“Aims and Purposes of an Aesthetic Education for the 21st Century. Keynote Address, Center for Integrated Arts Education Leadership Institute, University of Northern Colorado, June 2011. 


“Perceptual Learning—Aesthetic engagement in the classroom,” at Overland, Cherry Creek, February 22, 2011


“Perceptual Learning—Aesthetic engagement in the classroom,” at Ponderosa High School, Cherry Creek, January 21, 2011


“Aims and Purposes of an Aesthetic Education for the 21st Century. Keynote Address, Center for Integrated Arts Education Leadership Institute, University of Northern Colorado, June 3, 2010. 


“’CRISPA’—Aesthetic engagement in the classroom,” Douglas County High School, January 14, 2010.


“Six Dimensional Learning,” Wilmore Davis Elementary School, Jeffco, October 16, 2009.


“Aesthetic themes in education,” Shelton Elementary School, Jeffco, January 5, 2009.


“Arts and Education,” Skinner Middle School, Denver Public Schools, May 12, 2006.


Talk Radio, KHOW conversation on Jay Bennish, Cherry Creek School Teacher, March 7, 2006


“Transforming Teaching and Learning: An Aesthetics of Education,” Keynote Address, Aurora Community College, November 22, 2005.


“The College Campus as Creative Center—A Deweyan Approach,” Culture, Commerce, Community, arranged by CCA, CBCA, UCD, May 20, 2005. 


“The Importance of Dance Education,” Manual High School, DPS, November 19, 2004.


“Aesthetics and Art in Education,” Contemporary Learning Lab., Museum of Contemporary Art, May 1, 2004.


On Waldorf Education, School of Education, University of Colorado, Boulder, Feb. 26, 2004. 


“Evaluating art education curricula,” Denver Public Schools art education teachers, April 18, 2003.


 “The roles of the art teacher and the art-friendly advocate,” Denver Museum of Contemporary Art, February 22, 2003.


“Dewey, Art and Aesthetics,” Colorado Business Committee of the Arts, held at The Spot, February 19, 2003. 


“Developing curriculum with artists-in-residence,” DPS art education teachers, January 13, 2003. 


“Changing roles of the art educator,” DPS art education teachers, October 2002.


 “Intro to Curriculum Ideas,” Ricks Center for Gifted Children, July 8, 2002.


Interviewed on “Redefining Art,” by Dan Drayer, Colorado Matters, KCFR, May. 22 2002.


“Dewey, Derrida, Art and Education,” Museum of Contemporary Art, February 23, 2002.


“Dewey, Art, and Improvisation,” Gunnison, CO,  January 12, 2002.


“Dewey, Deconstructionism, and Art,” Young Audiences, April 21, 2001.


“Texts and Margins: Derrida and Art,” Young Audiences, March 11, 2001.


“Reading, Colorado Standards, and the Arts,” Quest Academy, Aurora Public School District, August 14, 2000.


“Purposes of Art in Education,” Colorado Council of the Arts, February 11, 2000.


“Aesthetic Transformation and Student Outcomes,” Young Audiences, March 12, 2000.


“Beauty and Aesthetic Transformation,” Young Audiences, March 11, 2000.


Interviewed on Technology in education by Heather Cabot, NBC local News, 2000.


“In Dreams Begin Responsibilities,” Teacher Education Graduation, May 28, 1999.


Interviewed on arts in education by Heather Cabot, NBC local News, 1999.


“On Implementing the Arts in Education,” Young Audiences, May 19, 1999.


“On Implementing the Arts Cross-Culturally,” Young Audiences, May 15, 1999.


“On Implementing the Arts in the Eastern Plains,” Young Audiences, May 2, 1999.


“Educational Aesthetic Transformation,” Young Audiences, April 25, 1999.


“Educational Aesthetic Transformation,” Young Audiences bridgebuilding conference, April 8, 1999.


Workshop on the arts in education, AHAB, January 26, 1999.


Mark Hopkins Elementary School, Arts in Education, January 19, 1999.


Interviewed on Waldorf education by Heather Cabot, NBC local News, 1999.


“Building Bridgebuilders,” Lecture/Presentation, Young Audiences, November 4, 1998.


“Re-presenting diversity: Making sense of art and culture,” Keynote Address for ArtSurround IV, The Arts and Humanities Assembly of Boulder County (AHAB), October 24, 1998.


“Welcome teacher education students,” TEP, September 9, 1998.


“Building bridgebuilders,” Lecture/Presentation, Young Audiences, November 23, 1997.


“On implementing the arts in education,” Lecture/Presentation, Young Audiences, November 21, 1997.


“Educational aesthetic transformation,” Lecture, Young Audiences, Sterling, Colorado, October 24, 1997.


“Building community,” Opening Talk, Teacher Education Program, September 10, 1997.

Building bridgebuilders, Lecture/Workshop, Durango Public Schools, April 6, 1997.


“Educational aesthetic transformation,” Lecture/Presentation, Young Audiences, February, 22, 1997.


Testimony on behalf of the Colorado Council of the Arts in front of the Joint Budget Committee, Colorado State Legislature, December 4, 1995.


“Implementing the arts in education,” Presentation for Phi Delta Kappa, University of Denver, November 4, 1995.


“Four modes of artistic implementation,” Lecture for Colorado Art Education Association, Breckenridge, October 27, 1995.


“Implementing the arts in Denver Public Schools,” Lecture for faculty of Park Hill, October 26, 1995.


Validity in qualitative research, Presentation for Critical Analysis of Research, University of Denver, October 23, 1995.


“Implementing the arts in classrooms III”, Workshop for Dora More Public School, May 22, 1995.


“Implementing the arts in classrooms II”, Workshop for Dora More Public School, March 20, 1995.


“Implementing the arts in classrooms I”, Workshop for Dora More Public School, March 1, 1995. 


“Implementing the Arts in Early Childhood Education II”, Workshop for Denver Public Schools, February 3, 1995.


“Implementing the Arts in Early Childhood Education I”, Workshop for Denver Public Schools, February 3, 1995. 


“Roles of Art in Education,” Greeley Public Schools, January 18, 1995. 


“Implementing the Arts in Early Childhood Education”, Denver Public Schools, December 2, 1994. 


“Implementing Artists in Residence”, Colorado Art Education Association. Breckenridge, Colorado, November 4, 1994. 


“Roles of Art in Education,” Century Elementary School, Oct. 21, 1994.


“On Aesthetics in Education,” Mitchell Elementary School, Denver Public Schools, April 19, 1994.


“Is There a Role for Art in Early Childhood Education?” Lecture for early childhood educators in Denver Public Schools, January 1994.


“On Models of Curriculum,” Lecture/presentation for teachers of Ricks Center for Gifted Education, 1994. 


“Analyzing the Art of Teaching,” Lecture for the Teacher Education Program, D.U., Sept. 1993.


“Art, Mind, and Education,” Lecture for the Aesthetic Education Institute of Colorado, University of Colorado, Denver, June 1993. 


“Art, Mind, and Education,” Lecture for the Aesthetic Education Institute of Colorado, Adams State College, Alamosa, August 1993.


“The Practice of Educational Criticism and Connoisseurship,” Lecture for Elliot Eisner’s Educational Criticism and Connoisseurship class, School of Education, Stanford University, June 1992. 


“Practicing Educational Criticism and Connoisseurship,” Lecture with Elliot Eisner for the Colorado Association of School Executives (CASE), Breckenridge, Colorado, August 1991.


“Public Schooling in America,” Lecture for Asian Business Group, D.U. (June 1991, 1992).


“Doing Philosophy,” Lecture for the Teacher Education Program, D. U., January 1991. 




Chair, Elliot Eisner Special Interest Group, AERA, April 2014- July 2017

Along with C. Moroye, B. Conrad, D. Gottlieb, wrote proposal to initiate the Elliot Eisner SIG at AERA, 2013 -2014.


Professors of Curriculum, Factotum, 2012-2013


President, American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, 2001-2002. 


Phi Delta Kappa 

D.U. Faculty Advisor, 2003-2004. D.U. Faculty Advisor, Executive 

Planning Committee, Chair of Budget Committee, Program Committee, 1991-1996.





As department chair, Domain Director, program coordinator, and professor, I had the opportunity to conceptualize and implement a variety of programs, in addition to facilitating program development for other faculty members. 


  • Assisted in conceptualizing and implementing the Qualitative Studies Concentration in RMS, 2016-2017


  • Assisted in conceptualizing and implementing the Curriculum Studies and Teaching EdD, 2013-2014


  • Created an online version of Curriculum & Instruction’s 45 credit master’s program, 2011


  • Continuation of implementing the Aesthetic Education Institute of Colorado (AEIC), co-sponsored by the Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver, with the Colorado chapter of Young Audiences, Inc. (Think 360 Arts)


  • Assisted in facilitating the implementation of the Boettcher Teachers Education Program for Curriculum and Instruction, University of Denver; initiated 2004.


  • Assisted in the establishment of a gifted education endorsement program for Curriculum and Instruction, University of Denver, 2004.


  • Co-developed a technology cognate for Curriculum and Instruction, University of Denver; initiated 2004. 


  • Assisted in facilitating the implementation of the Teacher Preparation Program, an Expeditionary Learning Outward Bound professional preparation program for Curriculum and Instruction, University of Denver; initiated 2000. 


  • Initiated a relationship between the Denver Museum of Natural History and Science education department and Curriculum and Instruction, University of Denver. A number of our students have written curriculum for the Museum, 2000-2002.


  • Created a formal relationship with the Denver Zoo Education Department and Curriculum and Instruction, University of Denver.


  • Assisted in implementation of Leaders-In-Learning, teacher professional development held in various school districts in Colorado, 1995.


  • Conceptualized and spearheaded the implementation of the Combined License and Masters Program for Teacher Education (CLAMP), University of Denver, initiated 1994-1995. 


  • Design Team Member: Conceptualization and implementation of the Denver University High School, 1992-1993.





  • Developed a career education program for Washington Alternative High School, Ogden, Utah, 1983-1984.


  • Developed a career computing writing program for elementary school students in District 11, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1983.


  • Involved in the development of Student Assistance Centers for drop-out prevention in the San Luis Valley, Colorado, 1983-1984.


  • Assisted in creating equity guidelines for District 11, Colorado Springs as well as for Rapid City Public Schools, South Dakota, and Dunseith Public Schools, North Dakota, 1982-1984


  • Organizer for the state-wide Utah Council for Alternative Education (UCAE), 1982.


  • Hired as a consultant to work on a sustainable arts project designed to bridge racial differences among Lakota and white populations in the high school of Solen, North Dakota, Standing Rock Indian Reservation, 1981. 




(I had the privilege of being the advisor and/or qualitative research methodologist for the following students who received awards for their dissertations.)


Tara Meister, 2019

Outstanding Dissertation Award, honorable mention from Division B, Curriculum, American Educational Research Association.


Kari Colley, 2016

John Laska Teaching Dissertation of the Year Award, American Association for Teaching and Curriculum. 


Ben Ingman, 2014

John Laska Curriculum Dissertation of the Year Award, American Association for Teaching and Curriculum. 


Juli Kramer, 2011

Elliot Eisner Dissertation of the Year award from The National Art Education Association (NAEA).


Cassandra Trousas, 2010.

Curriculum Dissertation of the Year Award, American Association for Teaching and Curriculum. 


Steve Fleet, 2008.

Curriculum Dissertation of the Year Award, American Association for Teaching and Curriculum. 


Christy Moroye, 2008.

Outstanding Dissertation of the Year Award from Division B, Curriculum, American Educational Research Association.


Carolyn Mears, 2006. 

Outstanding Dissertation of the Year Award from Division D, American Educational Research Association, and honorable mention from Division A, Educational Administration. 


Michelle Sharp-Swain, 2006.

Curriculum Dissertation of the Year Award, American Association for Teaching and Curriculum.

Joan Armon, 1997.

Mary McKinney Ware Dissertation Award, University of Denver; local Phi Delta Kappa Dissertation of the Year Award.


Erin DeMeester, 1996.

Speech Communications student, national award for dissertation from Odyssey of the Mind.


Sharon Anderson, 1993.

American Psychological Association Dissertation Research Award.

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