McConnell, C., Conrad, B., Uhrmacher, P. B. (2020). Lesson Planning with Purpose: Five Approaches to Curriculum Design. Teachers College Press.

Uhrmacher, P. B., McConnell Moroye, C. M. and Flinders, D. J. (2017). Using Educational Connoisseurship and Criticism for Qualitative Inquiry. Routledge.
Book Chapters
McConnell, C. and Uhrmacher, P. B. (in press). Eco-aesthetic experiences: A Deweyan framework for ecological aims in schools. In P. L. Maarhuis & A. G. Rud (Eds.), Imagining Dewey: Artful works and dialogue about Art as Experience. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill-Sense. Expected Summer 2020.
Uhrmacher, P. B. & Moroye, C. M. (2014). Experience, heightened vitality, and aesthetic engagement, or why is stick man smiling. In Donna Adair Breault and Rick Breault (Eds.), Experiencing Dewey: Insights for today’s classroom (2nd ed.) (62-65). New York, NY: Routledge.
Moroye, C. M. (2010). Ecologically Minded Teaching: Authenticity and Care. In P. B. Uhrmacher & K. Bunn (Ed.), Beyond the One Room School. Sense Publishers.
Uhrmacher, P. B. and Moroye, C. M. (2008). Finding our Niche: Accountability in Higher Education. in J.J. Slater, D. M. Callejo, and S. M. Fain (Eds.), The War Against the Professions: The Impact of Politics and Economics on the Idea of the University (pp. 108-125). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

McConnell, C., Conrad, B., Uhrmacher, P. B. (2020). Lesson Planning with Purpose: Five Approaches to Curriculum Design. Teachers College Press.

Uhrmacher, P. B., McConnell Moroye, C. M. and Flinders, D. J. (2017). Using Educational Connoisseurship and Criticism for Qualitative Inquiry. Routledge.
Book Chapters
McConnell, C. and Uhrmacher, P. B. (in press). Eco-aesthetic experiences: A Deweyan framework for ecological aims in schools. In P. L. Maarhuis & A. G. Rud (Eds.), Imagining Dewey: Artful works and dialogue about Art as Experience. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill-Sense. Expected Summer 2020.
Uhrmacher, P. B. & Moroye, C. M. (2014). Experience, heightened vitality, and aesthetic engagement, or why is stick man smiling. In Donna Adair Breault and Rick Breault (Eds.), Experiencing Dewey: Insights for today’s classroom (2nd ed.) (62-65). New York, NY: Routledge.
Moroye, C. M. (2010). Ecologically Minded Teaching: Authenticity and Care. In P. B. Uhrmacher & K. Bunn (Ed.), Beyond the One Room School. Sense Publishers.
Uhrmacher, P. B. and Moroye, C. M. (2008). Finding our Niche: Accountability in Higher Education. in J.J. Slater, D. M. Callejo, and S. M. Fain (Eds.), The War Against the Professions: The Impact of Politics and Economics on the Idea of the University (pp. 108-125). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Ingman, B. & McConnell Moroye, C. (in press). Ecologically Minded Teachers and Character Education. Special Issue on Virtuous Leadership, Journal of Character Education, Issue 2. Summer 2020.
Ingman, B. & McConnell Moroye, C. (2019). Experience-based Objectives. Educational Studies.
McConnell Moroye, C. & Uhrmacher, P. B. (2018). Teaching in the Moment: Educational Experience in the Age of Tomorrow. On the Horizon.
McConnell Moroye, C. & Ingman, B. (2017). Ecologically minded teaching. Environmental Education Research DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2017.1387767.
Gottlieb, D. & McConnell Moroye, C. (2016). The perceptive imperative: Connoisseurship and the temptation of rubrics. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy.
Uhrmacher, P. B., Moroye, C. M. and Conrad, B. (2016). Aesthetic, Spiritual, and Flow Experiences: Contrasts and Educational Implications. Education and Culture.
Conrad, B., Moroye, C. M., & Uhrmacher, P. B. (2015). Curriculum disruption: A vision for new practices in teaching and learning. Current Issues in Education, 18(3).
Moroye, C. M. and Ingman, B. C. (2013). Ecological mindedness across the curriculum. Curriculum Inquiry, 43(5), 588-612.
Uhrmacher, P. B., Conrad, B., & Moroye, C. M. (2013). Finding the balance between process and product through perceptual lesson planning. Teachers College Record. 115 (7).
Moroye, C. M. & Uhrmacher, P. B. (2012). Standards, not standardization: Orchestrating aesthetic educational experiences. Language Arts Journal of Michigan. 28 (1), 65-69.
Moroye, C. M. (2010). Ecological Theory. In C. Kridel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies. SAGE.
Moroye, C. M. and Uhrmacher, P. B. (2010). Aesthetic Themes as Conduits to Creativity. American Teacher Educators’ Yearbook.
Moroye, C. M. (2009). Complementary Curriculum: The work of ecologically minded teachers. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 41(6), Routledge. Selected for Curriculum Studies Reader, Fourth Edition.
Moroye, C. M. and Uhrmacher, P. B. (2009). Aesthetic Themes and the Art of Teaching. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, 11(1 & 2), Information Age.
Uhrmacher, P. B. and Moroye, C. M. (2007). Instituting the Arts. The Clearing House, 81 (2).
Moroye, C. M. (2005). Common Ground: An Ecological Perspective on Teaching and Learning. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, Information Age.
Book Chapters
McConnell, C. and Uhrmacher, P. B. (in press). Eco-aesthetic experiences: A Deweyan framework for ecological aims in schools. In P. L. Maarhuis & A. G. Rud (Eds.), Imagining Dewey: Artful works and dialogue about Art as Experience. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill-Sense. Expected Summer 2020.
Uhrmacher, P. B. & Moroye, C. M. (2014). Experience, heightened vitality, and aesthetic engagement, or why is stick man smiling. In Donna Adair Breault and Rick Breault (Eds.), Experiencing Dewey: Insights for today’s classroom (2nd ed.) (62-65). New York, NY: Routledge.
Moroye, C. M. (2010). Ecologically Minded Teaching: Authenticity and Care. In P. B. Uhrmacher & K. Bunn (Ed.), Beyond the One Room School. Sense Publishers.
Uhrmacher, P. B. and Moroye, C. M. (2008). Finding our Niche: Accountability in Higher Education. in J.J. Slater, D. M. Callejo, and S. M. Fain (Eds.), The War Against the Professions: The Impact of Politics and Economics on the Idea of the University (pp. 108-125). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Editorial Experience
Editor, Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, 2016-2017. Information Age.
Co-editor, with David Flinders, Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, 2014-2016. Information Age.
Associate Editor, Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, (2011-2014). With co-editors David Flinders and Bruce Uhrmacher. Volumes 13-16, Information Age.
Culture Currents, (2003-2005, 2007, 2009). Assistant Editor to P. Bruce Uhrmacher, Book Review Editor, International Journal for Leadership in Education, Taylor and Francis.
Book Reviews
Ingman, B. and Moroye, C. M. (2011). Daydreams and Awakenings: A review of Fields of Green: Restorying culture, environment, and education. Curriculum Journal.
Uhrmacher, P. B. and Moroye, C. M. (2009). Perspectives and perceptions of the SAGE Handbook of Curriculum and Instruction, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 41(1).
Moroye, C. M. (2007). Conjuring Scholars: Book review of Understanding Emerson by Kenneth Sacks, International Journal for Leadership in Education, Taylor and Francis.
Professional Reports and Miscellaneous
Uhrmacher, Conrad & McConnell Moroye (2019). Foreword. Nurturing Art Educators: A Planbook/Sketchbook for Vibrant Art Education Lesson Plans by Kristin Baxter. Teachers College Press.
Uhrmacher, P. B. and McConnell Moroye, C. (2017). Prologue, 2nd Edition The Enlightened Eye by Elliot Eisner. Teachers College Press.
Moroye, C. M. & Hodgkinson, T. (2008). Making a Case for Place-Based Watershed Education in Iowa Schools: Findings and Recommendations for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. University of Iowa. [available for download in eLearning].