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Christy McConnell, Ph.D.





  • Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction, with emphasis in curriculum studies.

       University of Denver, Denver, CO, 2007.


  • M.A. Education with emphasis in urban education.

       University of Denver, Denver, CO, 1999. 


  • B.A. English (Philosophy Minor)

       University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1996. 


Professional Experience


  • University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO

Professor, Educational Foundations and Curriculum Studies, College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Fall 2019 to Present. Coordinator, Educational Studies Doctorate; Coordinator, Master of Arts in Teaching: Curriculum Studies; Teach graduate and undergraduate courses (online and campus-based), conduct research, advise students. Oversee GTRA allocation process for School of Teacher Education; Faculty Evaluation Committee; Chair, Foundations Faculty Search; Chair, Educational Studies Doctorate Program Evaluation Report (internal and external). 


Associate Professor, Educational Foundations and Curriculum Studies, College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Fall 2014 to Spring 2018. Coordinator, Educational Studies Doctorate; Coordinator, Master of Arts in Teaching: Curriculum Studies; Co-Coordinator, Colorado School of Mines-UNC Partnership for STEM Teacher Licensure (2015-2017). Teach graduate and undergraduate courses (online and campus-based), conduct research, advise students. Oversee GTRA allocation process for School of Teacher Education; CEBS CAEP Accreditation Committee; Faculty Evaluation Committee.


Assistant Professor, Educational Foundations and Curriculum Studies, College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Fall 2012 to Spring 2014. Coordinator, Secondary Post baccalaureate and K-12 Art, Music, and PE undergraduate & post baccalaureate programs. Taught graduate and undergraduate courses (online and campus-based), conduct research, advise students. 


Sample of Courses Taught: Social Justice and School Reform; Philosophical Foundations of Education; Perspectives of Curriculum; Summer Research Seminar 


  • Regis University, School of Education and Counseling, Denver, CO

Assistant Professor/Education Chair, Summer 2010 to Summer 2012

Taught graduate education courses (online and campus-based), conducted research, and advised graduate students. Served as Education Chair and Curriculum Coordinator; Co-led online program development for Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment degree in collaboration with Learning Design; Served as Program Coordinator for Gifted Education; Lead Faculty for Boettcher Teacher Partnership Development; TEAC Accreditation Committee; Redesigned affiliate faculty hiring, mentoring and evaluation processes; Ignatian Scholar.


  • University of Colorado, Boulder, School of Education

Director, School & University Partnerships/Senior Instructor, Summer 2009 to 2010.

Director of Partners in Education (PIE) K-12 teacher induction/master’s degree program; included clinical faculty/coach development, program evaluation, and budget oversight. Served on Office of Student Services Team. Oversaw and developed collaborative efforts between partner districts and CU Boulder School of Education faculty and staff. Co-chaired the Teachers of Color and Allies (TOCA) Summit. Participated in several program area committees including English Education and Elementary Education. Collaboratively developed and implemented federally-funded PIE-BUENO cohort for K-12 linguistically diverse education. Taught graduate and undergraduate teacher education courses on site in partner schools.


  • University of Iowa College of Education, Department of Teaching and Learning

Assistant Professor in Curriculum and Supervision, Fall 2007 to Spring 2009.

Conducted research, advised students and taught graduate and undergraduate curriculum and teacher education courses. College of Education representative to the campus-wide Sustainability Certificate Program. Selected for the UI Sustainability Certificate Advisory Committee. Collaborated with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to implement state-wide place-based education initiatives. 


  • Overland High School English Department, Cherry Creek Schools, Aurora, Colorado

Department Coordinator, Fall 2005-Spring 2007; Teacher, Fall 1998-Spring 2007.

Served as the department administrator for English and reading teachers in a large, diverse public high school. Managed department budget; evaluated and mentored new teachers; served as member of Instructional Steering Committee and the Equity Team. Designed support program for underserved students to take AP English courses. Co-developed the Overland Teacher Education Program (OTEP) in partnership with Metropolitan State College of Denver. 


Courses Taught: Advanced Placement Language and Composition; American Literature; 9th & 10th Grade English (Teamed Special Education, Essentials, Regular, and Honors), Educational Narrative (OTEP dual-credit course with Metropolitan State College of Denver)


  • The University of Denver, Teacher Education Program and Department of Curriculum and Instruction


Teacher Education Admissions Coordinator, August 2003-July 2005

Full-time graduate assistantship that included recruitment, advising, marketing, and admissions. Conducted transcript evaluations, expanded outreach to DU undergraduates and second-career applicants, revised admissions procedures and standards, and assisted in State accreditation review. Worked as faculty liaison and mentor in professional dialogues coordinating curricular alignment for secondary methods courses. Designed and coordinated TEP Alumni Mentor Program. 


Adjunct Faculty, 2003-2005, 2009-2012





  • McConnell, C., Conrad, B., Uhrmacher, P. B. (in press). Lesson Planning with Purpose: Five Approaches to Curriculum Design. Teachers College Press. Expected publication date: June 2020. 

  • Uhrmacher, P. B., McConnell Moroye, C. M. and Flinders, D. J. (2017). Using Educational Connoisseurship and Criticism for Qualitative Inquiry. Routledge. *Nominated for 2017 American Association for Teaching and Curriculum (AATC) Book Award.


Peer Reviewed Publications

  • Ingman, B. & McConnell Moroye, C. (in press). Ecologically Minded Teachers and Character Education. Special Issue on Virtuous Leadership, Journal of Character Education, Issue 2. Summer 2020. 

  • Ingman, B. & McConnell Moroye, C. (2019). Experience-based Objectives. Educational Studies.

  • McConnell Moroye, C. & Uhrmacher, P. B. (2018). Teaching in the Moment: Educational Experience in the Age of Tomorrow. On the Horizon. 

  • McConnell Moroye, C. & Ingman, B. (2017). Ecologically minded teaching. Environmental Education Research DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2017.1387767.

  • Gottlieb, D. & McConnell Moroye, C. (2016). The perceptive imperative: Connoisseurship and the temptation of rubrics. Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy.

  • Uhrmacher, P. B., Moroye, C. M. and Conrad, B. (2016). Aesthetic, Spiritual, and Flow Experiences: Contrasts and Educational Implications. Education and Culture. 

  • Conrad, B., Moroye, C. M., & Uhrmacher, P. B. (2015). Curriculum disruption: A vision for new practices in teaching and learning. Current Issues in Education, 18(3). 

  • Moroye, C. M. and Ingman, B. C. (2013). Ecological mindedness across the curriculum. Curriculum Inquiry, 43(5), 588-612. 

  • Uhrmacher, P. B., Conrad, B., & Moroye, C. M. (2013). Finding the balance between process and product through perceptual lesson planning. Teachers College Record. 115 (7).

  • Moroye, C. M. & Uhrmacher, P. B. (2012). Standards, not standardization: Orchestrating aesthetic educational experiences. Language Arts Journal of Michigan. 28 (1), 65-69. 

  • Moroye, C. M. (2010). Ecological Theory. In C. Kridel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies. SAGE.

  • Moroye, C. M. and Uhrmacher, P. B. (2010). Aesthetic Themes as Conduits to Creativity. American Teacher Educators’ Yearbook. 

  • Moroye, C. M. (2009). Complementary Curriculum: The work of ecologically minded teachers. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 41(6), Routledge. Selected for Curriculum Studies Reader, Fourth Edition. 

  • Moroye, C. M. and Uhrmacher, P. B. (2009). Aesthetic Themes and the Art of Teaching. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, 11(1 & 2), Information Age.

  • Uhrmacher, P. B. and Moroye, C. M. (2007). Instituting the Arts. The Clearing House, 81 (2).

  • Moroye, C. M. (2005). Common Ground: An Ecological Perspective on Teaching and Learning. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, Information Age.


Book Chapters

  • McConnell, C. and Uhrmacher, P. B. (in press). Eco-aesthetic experiences: A Deweyan framework for ecological aims in schools. In P. L. Maarhuis & A. G. Rud (Eds.), Imagining Dewey: Artful works and dialogue about Art as Experience. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill-Sense. Expected Summer 2020.

  • Uhrmacher, P. B. & Moroye, C. M. (2014). Experience, heightened vitality, and aesthetic engagement, or why is stick man smiling. In Donna Adair Breault and Rick Breault (Eds.), Experiencing Dewey: Insights for today’s classroom (2nd ed.) (62-65). New York, NY: Routledge.

  • Moroye, C. M. (2010). Ecologically Minded Teaching: Authenticity and Care. In P. B. Uhrmacher & K. Bunn (Ed.), Beyond the One Room School. Sense Publishers.

  • Uhrmacher, P. B. and Moroye, C. M. (2008). Finding our Niche: Accountability in Higher Education. in J.J. Slater, D. M. Callejo, and S. M. Fain (Eds.), The War Against the Professions: The Impact of Politics and Economics on the Idea of the University (pp. 108-125). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.


Editorial Experience

  • Editor, Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, 2016-2017. Information Age.

  • Co-editor, with David Flinders, Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, 2014-2016. Information Age. 

  • Associate Editor, Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, (2011-2014). With co-editors David Flinders and Bruce Uhrmacher. Volumes 13-16, Information Age. 

  • Culture Currents, (2003-2005, 2007, 2009). Assistant Editor to P. Bruce Uhrmacher, Book Review Editor, International Journal for Leadership in Education, Taylor and Francis.


Book Reviews

  • Ingman, B. and Moroye, C. M. (2011). Daydreams and Awakenings: A review of Fields of Green: Restorying culture, environment, and education. Curriculum Journal. 

  • Uhrmacher, P. B. and Moroye, C. M. (2009). Perspectives and perceptions of the SAGE Handbook of Curriculum and Instruction, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 41(1).

  • Moroye, C. M. (2007). Conjuring Scholars: Book review of Understanding Emerson by Kenneth Sacks, International Journal for Leadership in Education, Taylor and Francis.


Professional Reports and Miscellaneous

  • Uhrmacher, Conrad & McConnell Moroye (2019). Foreword. Nurturing Art Educators: A Planbook/Sketchbook for Vibrant Art Education Lesson Plans by Kristin Baxter. Teachers College Press. 

  • Uhrmacher, P. B. and McConnell Moroye, C. (2017). Prologue, 2nd Edition The Enlightened Eye by Elliot Eisner. Teachers College Press. 

  • Moroye, C. M. & Hodgkinson, T. (2008). Making a Case for Place-Based Watershed Education in Iowa Schools: Findings and Recommendations for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. University of Iowa. [available for download in eLearning].


Manuscripts in Process


  • McConnell, C. (under review). The Complementary Curriculum. Routledge Research Encyclopedia. David J. Flinders, Editor. 

  • McConnell Moroye, C. & Uhrmacher, P. B. (in process). Person-in-community: Applied ethics for environmental education. 


Research and Scholarship Interests


  • Ecological Mindedness across the Curriculum

  • Aesthetic Perspectives of Curriculum (CRISPA) and Arts Integration

  • Aesthetic Experiences in Nature


External Funding and Partnerships


  • PI, National Science Foundation. Collaborative Grant with Colorado School of Mines. Project Title: CO-STEM Noyce Scholarship Program. 5-year budget: $1,197,546. Status: Funded. (2016-2021)

  • PI, National Science Foundation. Collaborative grant with Colorado School of Mines. Project Title: “Collaborative Research: CS 10K: C-START: Colorado STrategic Approach to Rally Teachers.” 3-year budget $998, 507. Status: Funded. (2015-2019) 

  • Co-PI, National Science Foundation. Collaborative grant with Colorado School of Mines. Project Title: “Collaborative Research: CO-STEM Capacity Building Project.” 2-year budget $207,556. Status: Funded (2015-2017)

  • Co-PI, PhysTEC. Collaborative Grant with Colorado School of Mines. Project Title: “Comprehensive Site: Collaborative Physics Teacher Preparation at UNC and Colorado School of Mines.” 3-year budget $280,816. Status: Funded. (2015-2016)

  • Grant Fellow (2014-2015). University of Northern Colorado Office of Sponsored Research. Mentor (2018-2020) for new OSP Grant Fellow, Melissa Weinrich. 


Selected Presentations and Professional Development Workshops


Refereed Presentations

  • Erosion and Deposition: Ecological mindfulness and mindedness (2019). Paper Session, Elliot Eisner SIG. American Educational Research Association. Toronto, Canada. 

  • Ecological Mindedness in Community and Classroom Spaces (2018). With Bruce Uhrmacher. American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Dallas, Texas. 

  • Bringing Scholarly Research to Educators: The Potential for Research Renderings and Social Media to Inform and Improve Education (2018). With Bradley Conrad and Kim Mahovsky. American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Dallas, Texas 

  • Baird’s “Person-In-Community”: A Framework for Ethical Decision Making and Implications for Environmental Education (2017). With Bruce Uhrmacher. American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Denver, CO.

  • The Force Awakens: Educational Connoisseurship and Criticism Then and Now (2016). With Bruce Uhrmacher and David Flinders. American Association of Teaching and Curriculum, Grand Rapids, MI. 

  • Curriculum Studios (2015). With P. Bruce Uhrmacher, Brittany Miller and Elise Wright. American Association of Teaching and Curriculum, Portland, ME. 

  • Curriculum Talk: Adaptation of ecomindedness across the curriculum (2014). With Bruce Uhrmacher. American Association of Teaching and Curriculum, Tampa, FL, October, 2014.

  • Professors of Curriculum: Late Elliot Eisner Tribute (2014). With David Flinders, Stephen Thornton, Bruce Uhrmacher, and Peter Hlebowitsh. American Association of Teaching and Curriculum, Tampa, FL, October 2014.

  • Ecointerplay: Ecological Mindedness Across the Curriculum (2014). Roundtable Paper Session, Environmental Education SIG. American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.

  • The perceptive imperative: Connoisseurship and the temptation of rubrics (2014). Roundtable Paper Session with Derek Gottlieb, Philosophy of Education SIG. American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA. 

  • Aesthetic, spiritual and flow experience: Contrasts and educational implications (2014). Paper Session with Bruce Uhrmacher and Brad Conrad, John Dewey Society. American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.

  • Imagining the Road Ahead: Elliot Eisner in a new Educational Era (2013). Ideas and Issues Session with P. Bruce Uhrmacher, Bradley Conrad, Derek Gottlieb and Ben Ingman. American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Chicago, IL. 

  • Rewriting the Script: Transforming and Reclaiming Lesson Planning (2013). Roundtable Paper Session with Bradley Conrad and P. Bruce Uhrmacher. Arts and Learning SIG, American Educational Research Association. San Francisco.

  • Curriculum Disruption (2012). Paper session with P. Bruce Uhrmacher and Bradley Conrad, American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, San Antonio, TX. 

  • Aesthetic Ways of Knowing in Ecological Education, (2012). Paper Session with Ben Ingman, American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, San Antonio, TX. 

  • Eco-mindedness Across the Curriculum, (2012). Paper session with Ben Ingman. American Educational Research Association (AERA); Environmental Education SIG. Vancouver, BC. 

  • Perceptual Teaching and Learning (2012). Paper session with Bruce Uhrmacher & Brad Conrad, American Educational Research Association (AERA); Arts and Learning SIG. Vancouver, BC.

  • Experience Based Objectives. (2011). Paper session with Ben Ingman, American Association for Teaching and Curriculum (AATC). Denver, CO. 

  • Aesthetics and Engagement in the Content Areas (2010). Ideas and Issues session with Bruce Uhrmacher, American Association of Teaching and Curriculum. St. Louis, MO.

  • Aesthetic Transformative Lesson Planning (2010). Paper session with Bruce Uhrmacher and Bradley Conrad, American Association for Teaching and Curriculum. St. Louis, MO. 

  • Six-Dimensional Teaching and Learning (2009). Paper session with Bruce Uhrmacher, American Association for Teaching and Curriculum. Arlington, VA.

  • Global Mindedness in the Curriculum (2009). Paper session with Kate Kauper, American Association for Teaching and Curriculum. Arlington, VA. 

  • Aesthetic Dimensions of Education (2008). Paper session with Bruce Uhrmacher, American Association for Teaching and Curriculum. Austin, TX.

  • Complementary Curriculum, (2008). Roundtable paper session, American Educational Research Association, Division B. New York, NY.


Invited Presentations

  • Invited Workshop: Writing in and for the Field of Education. American Association for Teaching and Curriculum. Dallas, Texas (2018). 

  • Keynote Speaker: International Conference on Education. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Teaching in the Moment. (2017)

  • Panelist: Higher Education for Environmental Education. Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education: “Advancing Environmental Education.” Auraria Campus, Denver, CO (2016).

  • Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue Editors Session. American Association of Teaching and Curriculum (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016).

  • Panelist, University of Northern Colorado Arts Education Leadership Institute (Summer 2013). 

  • Integrated Evaluation (Fall 2012). Keynote Address for Think360 Arts, Practices in Arts Integration. 

  • Ecologically Minded Teaching Across the K-12 Curriculum (Fall 2011). Guest Lecture, University of Denver, Teacher Education Program. 

  • The Curriculum Work of Peter Hlebowitsh (Fall 2011). With Wesley Null, David Callejo-Perez, and William Wraga. American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, Denver, CO. 

  • National Teach-In on Global Warming (2009). University of Iowa Student-selected panelist.

  • Places We Love (2008). University of Iowa International Day: The Human Right to Childhood.

  • The Art of Greening Education (2007). Selected by the College of Education Dean to speak at the University of Iowa Emeritus Faculty Luncheon. Iowa City, IA.


Professional Development

  • Six-Dimensional Teaching and Learning (CRISPA) (2009-2014). Jefferson County School District; Cherry Creek School District; Douglas County School District; District 20, Colorado Springs; University of Denver Teacher Education Program; Regis University Teacher Education Seminar.


Selected Professional Service 


  • Chair, Elliot Eisner Special Interest Group, American Educational Research Association (2019-2020, 2-year term). Lead SIG from SIG-in-Formation to Full Status (February 2020). 

  • Executive Council Member, American Association for Teaching and Curriculum (2018-2020, 3-year term).

  • Colorado Regional Environmental Education Leadership Council Member (2018 to present).

  • Founding member and Interim Program Chair, Elliot Eisner Special Interest Group (2013-2017). American Educational Research Association. 

  • Editorial Review Board (2018 to present). Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue. American Association for Teaching and Curriculum. 

  • Peer-reviewer, Journals. Educational Researcher; Journal of Curriculum Studies; Environmental Education Research Journal; Journal of Environmental Education; Contemporary Issues in Education; Journal of Teacher Education.

  • Peer Reviewer, Books. Routledge, Place-based Curriculum Design: Exceeding Standards through Local Investigations by Amy B. Demarest (2014); Corwin, Supervision That Improves Teaching, Third Edition Susan Sullivan and Jeffrey Glanz’s, (2008). 

  • Chair, Francis P. Hunkins Distinguished Article Award Committee (2011 to 2014). Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, American Association of Teaching and Curriculum.

  • American Association for Teaching and Curriculum: Executive Board Nominations Committee (2014, 2020); Dissertation of the Year Award Committee (2009); Conference proposal reviewer (2007-present); manuscript reviewer for Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue (2007-2009; 2018-present). 

  • Co-chair (2009) and Planning Board Member (2010-2012), Teachers of Color and Allies Summit, University of Colorado, Boulder and Regis University. 


Selected Additional Service Activities


  • University of Denver C&I Alumni Scholarship Coordinator. Founding member of C&I alumni group that mentors graduate students toward national presentations and publications at the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum. 2010 to present.

  • Faculty Coordinator and Speaker, University of Iowa International Programs Summer Institute for Teachers, Topic: Climate Change. Summer 2009.

  • Sustainability Certificate Advisory Committee. University-wide committee to develop an undergraduate certificate program in sustainability. Responsible for developing culminating project and rubric. University of Iowa, Spring 2008 to 2009. 

  • Consultant to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Prepared literature review on place-based education; analyzed survey data about barriers to place based teaching; worked with IDNR to implement place-based education programs and to provide teacher professional development in PBE. 2008-2009.

  • Advisory Council, Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education, 2004-2005, 2011-2012.



Scholarships, Awards and Honors


  • UNC Office of Sponsored Programs Achievement Award: New Faculty Recognition. 2015.

  • Professors of Curriculum. Admitted April, 2012 at American Educational Research Association annual conference, Vancouver, BC.

  • Master Scholar, University of Denver Morgridge College of Education, 2011.

  • Outstanding Dissertation Award, American Educational Research Association, Division B Curriculum Studies, 2008. Dissertation Title: Greening our future: The practices of ecologically minded teachers. 

  • UNC Delta Zeta Sorority recognition for outstanding professors, 2013. 

  • UI Center for Teaching “Thank a Teacher” program recognition, 2007and 2008.

  • University of Iowa College of Education Research Fund, 2008 and 2009.

  • University of Iowa Edna Jones Johnson Research Fund, 2008.

  • University of Iowa Old Gold Fellowship, Summer 2008. 

  • Student-Selected Commencement Speaker, Overland High School, May 2007.

  • Graduate Assistantship, University of Denver, College of Education, Fall 2002-Spring 2005.

  • Research Fellowship, University of Denver, College of Education, Fall 2003-Spring 2004.

  • Graduate Dean’s Scholarship, University of Denver, Fall 2003-Spring 2004, Fall 2006.

  • Teacher of the Semester, National Honor Society, Overland High School, Fall 2000.


Professional Organizations


  • American Educational Research Association (AERA)

  • American Association for Teaching and Curriculum (AATC) 

  • Professors of Curriculum




Note: several publications appear under my former married name, Moroye. 

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